Call it what you want

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Few days have passed and we were getting closer to our trip to Italy. There's only a week left I honestly couldn't wait. Last time I've been there was years ago with my sisters and our friends.

Jennifer is even more excited than I am, if that's even possible. She's got her suitcases packed already, which results in her complaining she has nothing to wear every morning.

Today wasn't any different and that resulted up in us getting to work late, but I let Emily know we would be late and she didn't care so it's fine. We didn't have a case so we were just hanging out in the bullpen.

I sat at JJ's desk smiling, „I made a little phone call. Our pool will be waiting for us when we get back from Italy."

She gasped and smiled, „You're my favorite person in the whole world."

„I'd hope so," I said chuckling.

While we were busy being happy, Tara, Emily and Rossi came back from a cafe they went to get coffee for all of us. They all looked a bit puzzled when they saw us. Or maybe not so much us as me.

„Why are you all making a face?" I asked them.

„Well, um," David started.

„No reason," Emily interrupted him, „We just thought you were gonna be more late than that."

„That's weird," JJ said, „But I'm gonna let it pass because I'm in a great mood."

Garcia came in frowning after just getting off the phone with someone, „I'm afraid that great mood will have to wait for a different time, buttercup."

„Case?" Luke asked.

Penelope nodded and we all sighed. I know going on cases is pretty much all we do and we love what we do, but we were hoping to get back home tonight so we could get everything ready for our vacation. Whether we liked it or not, it had to wait.

Everyone gathered in the round table room and Garcia was presenting the case. After we were done with the preliminary briefing we all met on the jet. Emily instructed us on what to do when we get there and now we were all keeping ourselves busy.

Matt and I were sent to talk to one of the families. We came back to the station once we did, everyone else joining us soon after.

„Okay, I'm sorry, but I need to say this," Tara said out of the blue.

„Say what?" Emily asked her.

„There's no point in lying to her, Emily," she said and looked at me, „We saw that girl again. Earlier today, that's why we were looking at you weird because we thought we saw you outside."

„I'm not talking about this," I told her and turned around to do my job.

„No, Francesca. What if it is her?" She asked.

I turned and looked at her with a hurt face, „I literally saw the bullet going through her head, Tara. I already asked you to drop it."

„It wouldn't be the first time someone faked their death around here," Luke pitched in, „Maybe there's more to it than you think."

Tears welled up in my eyes when I heard them saying those things. I know it's not the case here. I saw it with my own eyes. I can't start being delusional now, I've already accepted that she's gone.

„How about we stop talking?" JJ suggested.

„Yeah, I think that's a great idea," Emily nodded.

„No, because they might be onto something. I mean what are the chances? A person looking exactly like her, being in the same places," Matt said.

I surrender (Jennifer Jareau x reader)Where stories live. Discover now