First Date

20 0 0

Macies dad in mm above

1.24k words

Continuation of "wondering"

Zaire POV
Man it's only been 9 hours but I can't stop thinking about Tamar. so beautiful. So pure. Smells like vanilla and strawberry.... I wonder if she taste like that. I can't wait to explore and learn her. She will be mine. Imma text her see what she got going on tomorrow afternoon

*The contact names are what they have saved for each other*

Zai🥰🤤- Hey beautiful
Future 😍😋- Hey handsome
Zai🥰🤤- I was wondering what you had going on tomorrow night, I wanna take you out
Future 😍😋- Nothing much just going to the studio, what time were you thinking?
Zai🥰🤤- 7, assuming you can find someone to watch lil mama
Future 😍😋- I'll see you then
Zai🥰🤤- I'll pick you up, gn sweet dreams babygirl
Future😍😋- good night 🩷

Got damn this woman will be the death of me.

Tamar POV
Damnnnn my panties wet as fuck. what a man. I was just talking about how lonely I am and just that fast there's a man. At first I was thinking about Aman...but Zai came and changed EVERYTHING. I want him...I want him bad my eyes only on him now.

-next day at the studio

"Hey Tay" Aman said "Hey Man, ready to start". I can't deny Aman was fine But Zaire... whew.

When you know what you want you go after it and I want Zaire. "Yeah let's get started and finish 'deep end'"

Deep end is the song I'm working on, it's about my daughters father, When Macie was 4 he walked out on us she's 7 now.

It went from coming to see her and calling almost every day to one a week, once a month or sometimes not at all. My daughters deserves a father and apparently he doesn't get that.

While signing this song I began to cry. I remember the time I used to have a family. A time where I wasn't so lonely. I need that back. I look at the time and see it's 6:15

"Shit i gotta go". I hurriedly grabbed my things. "Damn why" Aman asked with concern. "I have a date" he chuckled and gave a fake smile. "with who" he questioned "Zaire McKellen" I said blushing. He scoffed. "I heard he's a cheater" I internally rolled my eyes. He ain't hear shit just talkin cus he salty. "And I head you were shit at production yet here you are" he laughed "yeah just be careful".

-At home
On FaceTime with Toni

"Damnnn girl you look good where you going" . I blushed. "on a date.....with Zaire McKellen" I said softly. "ZAIRE MCKELLEN?!?!?". I laughed "yeah I so excited.... Yk he calls me beautiful like as a nickname". Toni smiled "you like him... like you likeeee him I can tell" . I nodded. "I really do"

Knock Knock Knock

"Well that's him I'll call you after Toni...I'm nervous" Toni shook her head "don't be he already likes you now you just have to lock him down you got this remember...power of the pussy."

I laughed "ok bye T" I hung up and made my way to the door when I opened...there he was smiling with a dozen white roses in his hand

"Hey look.." he stopped ... I decided to say what he wanted to.

 I decided to say what he wanted to

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"Absolutely sexy". I said "as long as you know" let's go mama, I got plans for you". 'I got plans for you' whewwwwww I hope those plans include dick. He takes my hand and leads we to his limo. He allows me to get in first then he gets in.

"You smell amazing handsome" I say seductively "thank you babygirl, so do you, it's Sean Paul Gautier lemail. So what type of partner are you..I want to see if we're....compatible".

This man makes me so hot lord I don't normally have sex on the first date but THIS man oh he can get it. Right now. Today.

"Well I won't lie and say I'm the person who likes to take the lead in my relationship.... I like to be led. NOT controlled but led. My love languages are physical touch, Affirmation, and acts of service. I like my man to take charge. I like him to give me love and receive my love. I require him to respect me at all times I will never except anything less. I love to be spoiled but I am also a giver. I love catering to my man and I'm an absolute FOOL for pillow talk lol".

This entire time he's been staring at my so intently with complete concentration, listening to my every word. And there I saw it.... Lust. I can't wait to lick I mean lock this man down.

"So what I'm hearing is" He put his hand on my thigh and scooted closer. Got dammit I'm dripping again.

"You like a man to be a man and you want the pleasure of being a woman a very loved, protected, and well taken care of woman. And based of what I've learned observing you, you are a woman with ambition, drive, intelligence but you don't take no shit.
And a woman of standards a woman who instead of expectations for her man she has requirements because she knows she is deserving of the utmost. Am I right?"

"Your absolutely right, now I'd like to pose you the same question"

"Well, luck for you I like to lead my woman. I don't like for my girl to feel like she needs to do anything. The only thing I require is love, respect and loyalty, same as you. I am a little protective not possessive but protective because I care about my girl and want the best for her. I'm a provider because as a man according to God that it apart of my job. I do have a close relationship with God so I require that my girl does too. I love sex, I think it's beautiful but only with the right person."

Hm a godly man who loves sex and he's protective along with a provider #keeper.

"We're here" he said

The door popped open and soon we were at this beautiful restaurant

"I rented out the place so we can be alone, i wanna get to know my future queen" I blush. So he really plans on taking this somewhere. Soon we are seated and placing our orders

"Can you bring a bottle of '94 du Bellay thank you" he asked the waitress I watched him, I studied him. This is the first time I really get to stare like I want too

"You're so sexy, you know that" he said "thank you" inside u was a screaming like a school girl but outside I'm keeping it cool

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"You're so sexy, you know that" he said "thank you" inside u was a screaming like a school girl but outside I'm keeping it cool.

"So where's Maris mom?" I asked "she left she didn't really want the responsibilities of being a mother" I frowned "I'm sorry to hear that, must be tough being a single dad"  He smiled toothlessly.

"sometimes..listen I know what I want and we are in our 40s and I'm not wasting any time. With you blessing I would love to make you mine"

Omg I think he just asked me to be his girl little  does he know I was his girl the moment he texted me lol.

"Oh honey, I was yours when I saw your fine ass"

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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