part3 the missing dog

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Phoebe quickly hung up the phone after saying thank you to her sister. She still couldn't believe that her dog had just suddenly disappeared without any warning..."Someone must've taken her for some reason," she thought, "but why would they do that?"

Phoebe was still filled with a sense of confusion and panic, as she tried to come up with explanations for why Belle might have been taken."If someone did take her..." she thought, "would they be safe? would they hurt her?"She suddenly felt a wave of panic wash over her as the thought of Bell getting hurt or even worse crossed her mind.

Phoebe was still reeling from her intense worries and panic attacks. She couldn't stop imagining the worst possible scenarios happening to her beloved dog, and being unable to do anything about it."I have to find out who took her and why," she told herself, "or else I'll never stop worrying about it."

Phoebe quickly remember that she had her part time job at the supermarket, which would give her a break from the intense worry she was feeling about her dog.

"Maybe they know something," she thought, "maybe they'll have seen something."

Phoebe quickly got up and began to get ready for work, feeling stressed about the situation but also relieved to be able to do something that might help her find Belle.

"I'll ask around and see if anyone's seen anything about the dog", she thought to herself as she got ready for work.

Phoebe got in her car, still feeling stressed about her dog's whereabouts but now ready to get to work and hopefully figure out if anyone had seen Belle. She started the car and began to drive over to the supermarket.

Phoebe quickly drove to the supermarket and arrived a few minutes later. Once she got to the store, she found a parking spot and got out of her car to make her way inside.

Phoebe kept working even after her regular hours had finished, not wanting to leave the store just yet in case anyone stopped by with any information about Belle.She was exhausted from all the time she'd spent away from home and worrying about her dog, but she couldn't bear to leave just yet.

soon 1am came around, she was still working, her exhaustion starting to get the best of her.She was starting to feel a bit hopeless, as she hadn't heard anything about Bell yet, and her search seemed to be at a dead end.As she was standing at the till, she suddenly felt a wave of fatigue come over her as her body began to feel overworked and overwhelmed.

Phoebe finally decided that she'd done everything she could at the store and that it was time to head home and get some rest. She left the store and made her way back to her car, feeling relieved to finally be finished with her shift but also still feeling a bit sad about Belle

Phoebe was driving home when suddenly she saw something out of the corner of her eye.She slowed down the car and took a closer look at what it was, wondering if she was just seeing things in the late evening or if it was actually something.

Phoebe finally got an idea of what she'd seen, as she looked a little bit closer at the object she'd passed by. Her eyes widened in surprise as she took a mental picture of what she was seeing.She immediately recognized it as the exact same type of dog Bell was, and she felt her heart rate pick up as she thought that perhaps she'd found bell.

Phoebe was starting to feel even more relieved and excited as she saw what she had thought might've been Bell with another person, confirming her suspicion that someone must have taken her. She immediately slowed down her car and tried to get a good look at the person walking with the dog, to see if it was someone she recognized or at least see if she could get a good look at what they looked like.

PHoebe got out of the car, her heart beating loudly in her chest as she walked over to the person who she thought had her dog. She walked over patiently and calmly as she looked up at them, trying to get a good look at their face.

Phoebe politely asked the person for her dog back, but they seemed hesitant to give her up.The person insisted that the dog was actually theirs and that she was mistaken, but Phoebe knew with complete certainty that this was her dog.She tried to keep her cool as she calmly but firmly explained that she knew this dog was hers, but the person wouldn't budge.

Phoebe was starting to get a bit frustrated with the person, as she kept trying to explain that she knew this was her dog but they refused to believe her or give her back.Eventually, she lost her cool and started to get a little bit aggressive, demanding her dog back.The situation quickly began to escalate between the two of them as the person became more defensive and Phoebe became more determined to get Belle back.

Phoebe was relieved to have finally found Bell after so much searching and worrying. She was still annoyed with the person who had her dog, but she was at least glad that she knew now where Bell was.She let out a sigh of relief as she saw Belle, walking over to her and kneeling down to give her tons of pets.Now all she needed to do was figure out why the person had taken her in the first place.

After some back and forth arguing between the two of them, the person finally relented and gave Bell back to Phoebe!She was overjoyed to have her dog back, and immediately gave her a ton of hugs and kisses, relieved that she was now back in her hands.

Now that she had her dog back, Phoebe was keen to find out why the person had taken Bell in the first place."Please tell me why you took her away from me," she asked them, "I just want to know what prompted you to do this in the first place?"

The person thought about the question for a moment, before finally answering."I guess I just got a bit bored and I thought it would be fun to do something silly," they told her.Phoebe just stood there for a moment, not sure how to respond."So, you took my dog just because you were bored?" she asked.

Phoebe's eyes suddenly lit up as she made the connection. She remembered that Kimberly, the mean girl from school, was also competing in the surfing competition a few days ago.She knew that the two of them had gotten into a slight argument over the competition, but she could not have imagined that Kimberly had gone to such lengths to get back at her.She instantly felt a wave of anger course through her veins as she realized that Kimberly had likely been the one behind Bell's disappearance.

Phoebe was now starting to feel completely fed up with Kimberly's shenanigans. She felt like she had put up with enough of Kimberly's craziness and it was time to seriously put her in her place.She was already starting to feel enraged at the thought of Kimberly stealing Belle just to get back at her.

phoebe had now reached a level of anger that she hadn't felt before. She was fed up with letting Kimberly get away with all of her bullying and nastiness.She was ready to stand up to her and defend herself, even if that meant calling the cops on her."If you don't leave Belle alone, I will call the cops," she told Kimberly, her voice filled with anger and determination.

Kimberly, who was used to getting away with her bullying and nastiness, was stunned by Phoebe's boldness and direct threat to call the police on her.She was taken aback, having never had someone stand up to her like this before."You wouldn't dare," Kimberly replied, her voice filled with a slight bit of fear and trepidation, "you have no proof. I could easily say she was my dog."

Kimberly was indeed wrong about that, as Phoebe did actually have proof that Bell was her dog.Bell was registered under her name when she was originally adopted, which meant that Phoebe had the legal rights to her and could prove that she was her dog."She is my dog," Phoebe said, "I adopted her and I have the proof. So if you try to claim that she is yours, I will be able to prove you wrong."

Kimberly was now feeling angry and humiliated, so she decided to give Phoebe the finger and ran off.She had realized that she had been caught and that Phoebe had the legal rights to Belle, but she was still feeling angry about the situation.She knew that she could have probably gotten in trouble for what she did, but she didn't care about that anymore.She started to walk away, feeling bitter and frustrated.

Phoebe was now feeling relieved to have her dog back, and she was ready to go home.She got in her car, with Belle by her side, and started to make her way back.She was looking forward to spending a nice night back at home with Belle, and she was happy that this whole ordeal was finally over.

A/N heyyy guys it's me again so this is the end of this part  let me now if y'all like it!!!!!

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