part4 the begging of someone new!

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Phoebe took a deep breath as she arrived back home, feeling exhausted but relieved to finally be home.She went inside and made her way to the living room, where she found Bell sitting on the couch waiting for her.Phoebe walked over to Bell and gave her a hug, giving her a tons of loves and petting her.

Phoebe proceeded to pet Bell for a while, giving her lots of love.Bell was also very excited to see Phoebe and started to lick her face and jump on her excitedly.Phoebe continued cuddling Bell, giving her more pets and kisses, feeling relieved and happy that she was finally home with her after such a long day.

After some time, Phoebe realized that she was feeling dehydrated and so she got up to get herself some water with ice in it.She walked over to the kitchen and got a glass filled with water and ice, then proceeded to go back to sit with Belle in the living room.

Phoebe got changed into her PJs and sat on the sofa with Belle, feeling more relaxed and comfortable now that she was finally home.She proceeded to relax and cuddle with Belle, rubbing her belly and playing with her for a while.

After about an hour, Phoebe realized that she missed her competition and she felt a bit conflicted about it, since she was supposed to compete in that surfing competition a few days ago.She was starting to wonder how it could have gone down, maybe she would have made it into the finals, or even won first place.She proceeded to think about the competition and about her loss, starting to feel a bit frustrated as she thought about the what if's.

Despite losing out on the surfing competition, Phoebe was still happy to have her dog Belle back with her.Belle had always been a source of comfort and joy for Phoebe, so she was glad to be able to reunite with her after having her away for a few days.She proceeded to cuddle and play with Belle in the living room, enjoying her company and feeling relieved to be home with her.

Phoebe had been cuddling with Belle in the living room for a while, when she suddenly heard the doorbell rang.She wasn't expecting to have any visitors and it was quite late in the evening, so she was a bit curious as to who it could be.She proceeded to get up and went to the door, to see who was there.

As Phoebe got to the door, she looked through the peephole to see who was outside.She was startled to find Kimberly again, standing outside her residence.She had not expected Kimberly to be back, let alone be at her house at this time of night.

Phoebe was taken aback by finding Kimberly standing at her residence, having not expected her there at this hour of the night.She couldn't think of any reason why Kimberly would be coming here, other than the fact that she might have shown up to try to cause more problems."What do you want?" Phoebe asked her, her voice filled with suspicion and tension.

Kimberly shook her head and stated that she intended to apologize and give you my uncle's watch that he gifted me before his passing. I find it unattractive, but it's yours to keep.

After a couple of seconds, Phoebe did not know how to respond to Kimberly's sudden shift in behavior.She had expected Kimberly to come back to cause problems, not to give her a gift.She was a bit taken aback by the fact that Kimberly had offered her a watch given to her by her dead uncle, as she had not seen it coming.

Phoebe still did not not know how to respond to Kimberly's sudden shift in behavior, as her offering the watch was really unexpected.She wanted to thank Kimberly for the offer, but it also had a slight sense of her trying to apologize for what she had done earlier.So, she decided to thank her politely, accepting the watch."Thank you for the watch," she said calmly, "I appreciate the gesture."

Phoebe remained silent as Kimberly offered her the watch, then thanked her and left her residence.She was a bit confused by the whole encounter, as she would not have expected Kimberly to do something like that out of kindness.She was glad to have the watch, but she was still very suspicious of Kimberly's intentions and why she had shown up in the first place.

Phoebe decided to let this whole interaction go and just went to bed.She was still a bit confused about the whole thing, but she didn't want to overthink it too much as she was exhausted from the whole day.She took a deep breath and headed to bed, deciding to call it a night.

(the next day)

Phoebe woke up the next day, feeling more relaxed and relieved after a good night's rest.She was now feeling ready to take Belle on a walk up the local mountain, which she had planned to do before having her kidnapped .She went about her morning routine before heading out with Belle, excited for their adventure together.

Phoebe was now on her way to the local mountain, with Belle by her side. She was aware that the mountain was a bit of a dangerous area, but she had decided to ignore the warning and go there anyway.While she was doing so, she encountered a man named Jake, who once again warned her not to go there as it was unsafe and not worth the risk.

Phoebe had decided to ignore the man's warning, and proceeded to enter the mountain regardless.She knew that it was a bit of a risky endeavor to do so, but she was determined to go through with it anyway.She continued walking and exploring the mountain, not knowing exactly where she was headed but just letting her curiosity guide her.

Phoebe had been exploring the mountain for about an hour, before making her way to a rest area.She was feeling a bit tired after walking for so long, so she was glad to have reached the rest area and to be able to take a break.From here, she could see what was ahead of her on the trail, and she was starting to get excited to explore further.

Phoebe was now taking a break to drink some water for herself and to also give some to Bell.She was feeling a bit dehydrated after the long walk up the mountain, so she was glad to have some water to help rehydrate herself. Bell was also thankful for the water, as she had been walking for a while as well and was probably feeling tired from the hike as well.

A/N hey y'all okay this is going to take a crazy turn LOL

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