Part5 the mountain

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Phoebe, having taken some time to hydrate herself and her dog, was feeling ready to continue exploring the mountain trail.The walk had been a bit physically demanding so far, but she felt motivated to keep going and to see what else she could find on this journey.Belle seemed to share her enthusiasm, as she walked alongside her and appeared to be enjoying the exploration as much as her.

As she was resting and hydrating herself and Bell, Phoebe suddenly noticed a woman who appeared to have had obvious plastic surgery.There was something about her that caught Phoebe's attention, and she was curious about what she was doing there.Belle was also looking at the woman with curiosity, and was starting to walk towards her.

Phoebe immediately alerted Belle and told her not to go over there, wanting to keep her safe and away from the unknown woman.It also made her feel a bit wary of the woman's appearance, and she was starting to feel uneasy about having her so close to them.She proceeded to continue walking up the trail, keeping her eye on the woman and keeping Belle close to her.

As Phoebe was keeping her eye on the woman, she noticed that the woman was rummaging around in her purse as if she was looking for something.It made her feel even more wary and alert, wondering what the person was looking for.Phoebe herself got her purse and started to get her lipstick out, not wanting to be caught off guard in such an isolated area.

Phoebe kept walking uphill and explored the mountain trail.She was eager to see what else is was out there, and was also mindful of the dangers that may have been present.Belle was at her heels, always sticking by her and keeping an eye out for potential threats.They kept walking for quite some time, with no sign of danger coming up until that time.

Phoebe was now walking uphill, holding a small mirror in her hand so that she could touch up her makeup as well.She was being careful while doing so and was focused on her own appearance rather than looking around her.Belle was right by her side, sticking to her like glue and protecting her with her presence.

Phoebe remembered that tomorrow was July 4th, a national holiday in the states.She knew that some people would be celebrating the occasion with fireworks and celebrations, but she didn't know exactly what she was going to do.Suddenly, she got an idea, and she had a big smile on her face as she thought about the plan she had just come up with.

Phoebe had an idea to visit the cemetery to see her late big sister Cassanda, who had loved surfing just as much as she does.Cassandra had passed away a few years ago, and visiting her sister on the Fourth of July would be a perfect way to honor her.Belle might not understand the significance of the holiday, but she understood that it was important to Phoebe to visit Cassandra's grave, and decided to come along for the ride.

(the day of the 4th of July)

Phoebe had arrived at the cemetery with Belle on the Fourth of July, to pay her respects to her late sister Cassandra.Belle was by her side, walking along with her as they approached the grave site.Phoebe felt a bit somber and nostalgic, as she remembered all of the good times that she and Cassandra had shared, and how much she missed her.

Phoebe made her way to her late sister's grave site, and placed some fresh flowers on it as a memorial.She took a moment to take it all in, and feel the emotions that she had been holding onto for a while now since her sister's passing.Belle also came by to support her, and was sticking to her side as if she could sense that her owner was going through something emotional.

A/N hey y'all it's the end of yet another part!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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