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As Priya approached Ram with determination, her brow furrowed with resolve, she extended an invitation. "Come here," she beckoned, her voice barely audible over the drumming rain. Drawing closer, she offered, "If you want, you can stay here tonight at my hotel."

Ram, taken aback by her offer, hesitated briefly before voicing his concern. "But is that okay for you?" he questioned, genuine uncertainty in his tone.

With a warm smile, Priya reassured him, "You helped me that night, right? So, I'm just trying to help you back."

Ram chuckled softly, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Okay, I get it," he conceded. "Aap kisi ka ehsaan nahi rakhti," he teased.

Giggling in response, Priya shook her head. "It's not like that," she protested. "I think we're friends now, right?"

With a nod of agreement, Ram gestured towards the hotel entrance. "Let's go inside," he suggested, noting the intensifying rain. Together, they sought shelter from the storm.

As they stepped into the room, Priya flicked on the lights, illuminating the space with a soft glow. Turning back to Ram, she couldn't help but notice his drenched appearance. "Oh, look at you," she exclaimed, concern evident in her voice as she surveyed his soaked clothes.

Ram shrugged nonchalantly. "It's just for a night; I can manage," he assured her, though his shivering betrayed his attempt at nonchalance.

Priya's brow furrowed with determination. "How will you manage? Let me think of something," she insisted, her mind already racing with ideas. "Just go freshen up," she instructed, motioning towards the bathroom.

Ram, feeling a mix of confusion and gratitude, followed her direction and headed towards the bathroom. As he turned on the faucet and felt the warm water cascade over him, he couldn't shake the feeling of appreciation for Priya's kindness and concern.

As Priya made her way back to the room after rummaging through her luggage, a mischievous smile played on her lips. In her hands, she held a set of oversized clothes she had managed to find. With determination in her step, she approached the bathroom door where Ram was still inside.

Knocking lightly, she called out, "I have found something for you."

Ram, curious but slightly apprehensive, cracked open the door. "What is it?" he inquired, peering out cautiously.

Priya's smile widened as she held out the clothes. "Just something for you to wear for the night," she replied, her tone filled with mischief.

Ram's expression shifted to one of confusion as he inspected the clothes. "What are these?" he asked incredulously. "I can't put this on."

Undeterred, Priya insisted, "It's the biggest size I could find. Just wear them for now."

Ram hesitated, clearly unsure about the oversized attire. "Are they even going to fit me? Can't I just stay in my clothes?"

Priya's irritation was palpable as she retorted, "Fine, do as you wish."

With a resigned sigh, Ram accepted defeat, and Priya turned on her heels, walking away from their with a hint of exasperation in her step.

As Priya sat engrossed in her phone, the subtle creak of the bathroom door caught her attention. Raising her gaze, she couldn't help but chuckle at the sight that greeted her: Ram stood before her, looking sheepish and slightly uncomfortable in her oversized clothes. The pajamas barely reached his ankles, and Priya couldn't stifle a grin as she took in the sight.

"Look at you," she teased gently, unable to resist a playful jab.

Ram's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, and he averted his gaze, clearly not amused by Priya's amusement. Without a word, he turned on his heel and made his way towards the balcony, seeking refuge from Priya's teasing.

Realizing she may have gone too far, Priya's expression softened. "Okay, I won't tease you anymore," she called after him, her voice gentle and apologetic. "I'm exhausted anyway; I'm going to bed now."

Ram merely rolled his eyes in response, offering no verbal reply as he disappeared onto the balcony, leaving Priya alone with her thoughts.

As the rain continued its relentless patter outside, Priya found herself restless, unable to find solace in sleep. She turned to Ram, who was perched on the couch, and asked if he had managed to drift off yet.

Ram's response came from the shadows, "Not yet. Why do you ask?"

A sigh escaped Priya's lips as she confessed, "I can never sleep when it rains. It stirs something within me, something I desperately want to remember but can't seem to grasp."

With a tone of understanding, Ram offered his advice, "Then don't force it. Sometimes, it's best to simply look ahead."

Unable to find peace in her bed, Priya rose and made her way to the balcony, the soft glow of the moon casting a gentle light upon her troubled features. Leaning against the railing, she gazed out into the darkness, her voice carrying a hint of discomfort as she murmured, "Why won't it just stop?

Ram's footsteps echoed softly as he approached Priya, standing beside her with a gentle presence that seemed to envelop her in warmth. His voice, a soothing melody against the backdrop of the rain, broke the silence that hung heavy in the air.

"Have you ever tried to befriend the rain?" he inquired, his tone gentle yet earnest.

Priya, her brows furrowed in perplexity, turned to him with a skeptical gaze. "How could anyone be friends with rain?" she questioned, a hint of incredulity coloring her words.

But Ram's response was unwavering, his conviction evident in the sincerity of his gaze. "It's not as absurd as it sounds," he reassured her, his voice carrying a quiet confidence. "If you give it a chance, you might find that it's easier than you think."

Intrigued yet still uncertain, Priya watched as Ram reached out, his hand finding hers with a gentle touch. With a subtle motion, he lifted their intertwined hands towards the open balcony, where the rain cascaded down in a symphony of nature's own making. As the cool droplets made contact with her skin, a shiver ran down Priya's spine, a sensation both foreign and oddly exhilarating.

Then, as if sensing her apprehension, Ram leaned in close, his breath warm against her ear as he whispered softly, "Close your eyes and feel its touch. Let it wash over you, and I'm certain the sound won't bother you anymore."

With a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, Priya obeyed, allowing her eyelids to flutter shut as she surrendered herself to the moment. As the rhythmic patter of the rain filled her senses, she felt a sense of peace wash over her, the worries and doubts of the day melting away in the embrace of the storm. And in that fleeting moment, as she stood there with Ram by her side, she found herself forging a connection with the very essence of nature itself.

As Priya slowly opened her eyes, her gaze met Ram's, and in that fleeting moment, the air between them crackled with an unspoken tension. Their lips hovered mere inches apart, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air like an invisible veil.

Then, in an instant that seemed to stretch into eternity, Ram closed the distance between them, his lips meeting hers in a gentle yet electrifying kiss. Priya felt a jolt shoot through her spine, her senses overwhelmed by the intensity of the sensation. With a tremor coursing through her, she instinctively shut her eyes, the world around her fading into a blur of sensation and emotion.

But as quickly as it had begun, the kiss came to an abrupt halt. Ram, sensing Priya's sudden tremor, pulled away, his expression a mixture of concern and uncertainty. In that moment of hesitation, he retreated back into the room, leaving Priya standing on the balcony, her heart racing and her mind awash with a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

Alone in the aftermath of that fleeting encounter, Priya was left grappling with the weight of what had transpired. The echoes of the kiss lingered in the air like a bittersweet melody, leaving her in a state of uncertainty and longing. And as she stood there, bathed in the soft glow of the moonlight, she couldn't help but wonder what the dawn would bring, and whether the fragile thread that bound her to Ram would unravel or endure.

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