Therapy Stream (May 6, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms.

Day 4, first was a French double. H went to finish her presentation but she lost her voice, and when she went to speak it was just a super high pitched whisper whistle xD Other people presented, and Has did his resentation almost like a slam poem which was pretty cool! Then we talked about and started our last literary work, L'Avare de Molière. It's a play from French Shakespeare, about a dad that is really penny pinching.

Next was socials, we started the next chapter andd yeah.

Then we had a math double! Did some math for the first period, tracing graphs without the graphing calculator. Then we went into the sports med class xD some people worked out while most played spoons again! I won all 3 games >:3

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 20 minutes, having quite a good time! I think it was Geo that said I sounded like an intense therapist xD so I made it a bit of a therapy stream, throwing in random therapy-esque things :3 I raided acc_invincble in beat saber.

After supper, I did solves! I also showered, and that was pretty much all ^^ nice relaxed day again. I still gotta do some homework but I should be okie with dat :3

It is now 12:30 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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