New Fridge (May 14, 2024)

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I woke up at 6:45 AM from my alarms. I felt basically all better except that my voice was still somewhat lower.

Day 4, first was a French double. We finished the play L'Avare.

In socials we talked about something I can't remember.

Then in math double, we had a test! I think I did good, although I didn't have the time to double check all of my answers thoroughly. We'll see how that went.

When I got home, I streamed for 2 hours and 6 minutes, I had a good time! We got a little hype train which was cool! ^^ I solved and all, even did a race against Aant0on where I did 4BLD and he did 3BLD + 3:00, and I won with a PB of 8:31.xx (first sub-9 ever!). I raided a geometry dash streamer.

After supper, I did some, showered then studied for the socials test tomorrow and physics test tomorrow. The socials test is gonna be our first of the semester, even though we're so far into it. M. F said he did this on purpose so that we review the material from the beginning so that we have everything fresh for the final exam.

We also got a new fridge, which Dad seems a lot less happy with even though mom said it cost about double our old fridge (idk if that was an exaggeration or not though). The water dispenser is on the inside now, and I think the inside is a bit smaller overall.

It is now 12:38 AM and I'll sleep soon.

Good night!

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