[1] - Collision

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Luz Noceda woke to the blaring sound of her alarm. 

She picked up her phone as soon as she could to silence it, groaning at how early she had just been forced to wake up. Her eyes struggled to stay open, and she just wanted to flop right back down onto her bed and sleep. Why had she even set this stupid alarm? Luz racked her brain for a few seconds, before finally remembering what it was. School. Of course she had to go back to school. Didn't matter if she ran to a new town or not, it was always going to follow her. 

Groggily, Luz stepped towards her closet, looking around for something to wear. It didn't take long, since she wasn't super picky about wearing something super nice. The Latina grabbed a random t-shirt and jeans, putting it on quickly. It wasn't the nicest ever, but it didn't need to be. It was just school. She made sure to grab her beanie as well, tossing it onto her head as she left the room. 

Luz walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where Eda, her adopted mother, was waiting. "Heya, Kiddo. How'd ya' sleep?" She smiled towards Luz warmly, and passed her a plate of scrambled eggs. "Oh, I slept.. fine." Luz thanked Eda for the eggs and sat down at the table, the poofy gray haired woman joining her soon after. "Well, that's good." Eda looked to the side a little nervously, "I knew you weren't exactly the happiest about the, school stuff, so I made sure to make something you liked." 

"Eda, you didn't have to do anything for this, I'm fine." Luz tried to fake a smile towards Eda, "I get there's like 'laws' or whatever you have to follow." Eda chuckled a bit, smiling back at her. Luz still remembered when Eda had broken the news about it like it had been a week ago. Because it had been a week ago. She had been called into the older woman's room, and Eda told her that since she had become Luz's legal guardian, she had to send her to school at the end of summer. Luz's heart dropped. She had come to Bonesborough to escape everything in Gravesfield, especially her horrible experiences with school. 

Nobody had ever even tried to be friends with her. From day one, she was the weird girl who got to sit on the sidelines and get made fun of by everybody that walked by, and it had stayed that way from Elementary to High School. Though, if anything had changed, it was the quality of the insults. Little kids were way better at coming up with them, High Schoolers just kinda hurled slurs. 

"Try to look on the bright side, kid," Eda said, breaking Luz from her drifting off. "It's a new school, maybe you'll find some friends! It's not like there's no other weirdos like us out there." Luz nodded, "Yeah, I guess so." She didn't actually have any intention of trying to make any friends. Any attempts with that so far had gone horribly, and she didn't want to be such an obvious target like before. It was pretty easy to blend in if you knew what you were doing, and that was her plan. Be invisible.

Luz checked the time on her phone, and realized classes would probably be starting soon. She thanked Eda for the breakfast and said goodbye, before stepping out and jumping into her car. As she started the car, Luz put on her favorite corny Good Witch Azura fan song, rocking out to it's questionably terrible lyrics. She would be the first one to admit this song's lyrics were shit, but if you expected something else from a YouTube fan song with 2000 views, you were kinda stupid. And the instrumental was good, so it didn't matter anyways.

When Luz arrived at Hexside High, she parked and plopped her headphones in her ear, putting the same song on as she walked inside. This place looked fancy as hell, way less grungy than Gravesfield. Luz checked her schedule on her phone, trying to follow the room numbers to get to her homeroom. It took a little bit of time and confusion (seriously, these room numbers made no fucking sense), but she found her way there. The Latina slumped into a seat in the back corner, and whipped out her notebook and a pencil, waiting for the teacher to arrive. She doodled on an empty page a bit until she finally entered the classroom. 

That Girl - LumityМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя