[2] - Smoke Break

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Amity Blight stared at the green ceiling, waiting for her alarm to go off.

She never really got why people hated waking up before their alarm, it gave you a second to relax and wake up before having to get ready for the day ahead. It was a rare moment of peace for Amity. Eventually, the alarm did go off, and she slowly got up from her bed to get ready. The Blight stepped into her closet, looking around for something to wear. It needed to be something nice enough, since if it wasn't, her Mother would probably get onto her for it, and Amity didn't want to deal with that right now.

After a small amount of thinking, she decided on a simple pink dress. Even if it wasn't her favorite thing in the world, her Mother would probably approve, which was all that mattered. Amity left the closet and headed into her bathroom, where she did her hair and put on a small bit of makeup. The Blight checked herself in the mirror, making sure she looked presentable enough for school, which she did. It wasn't like she was going to anything fancy anyways, this was just school, she didn't need to worry.

Though, she did have the Blight name to uphold. Just fine wasn't really going to cut it. She needed to be exceptional. Amity looked at herself in the mirror again, and frowned. This definitely wasn't good enough, she wasn't even sure if she could call it fine. Amity went back to her makeup, making sure she got it looking just right and exactly like she wanted it. It took quite a while, but eventually she got herself to look just good enough. She wasn't going to be embarrassing the Blight name today.

Amity opened the door to her room and headed down the stairs of the Blight Manor. It was a large building, decked out with furniture in mostly the color green. Her Mother liked everything that she owned green, which was why everything was like this. The walls, carpets, couches, and even her children's hair all needed to be that one signature color. Amity sighed, her Mother was a little.. over the top sometimes.

She entered the Kitchen of the Manor, searching around for and eventually finding her breakfast, a granola bar. It would probably be enough until Lunch, and she wanted something that she could eat quickly on the drive to school. Amity took the granola bar and began to make her way to the front door of the large home, but before she was able to, she heard a voice behind her.   A really fucking annoying voice.

"Heyyyy Mittens!" It was her older brother, Edric, and next to him was his twin sister, Emira. They both had similar green hair to Amity, except there's was considerably darker. They both looked like her siblings, but they acted far from it. "Why're you trying to leave in such a hurry?" Emira questioned sarcastically, making Amity groan in frustration. "Do you hate us that much?" The younger Blight turned to her, replying, "Yes, actually." And she left the house, closing the door behind her. Amity was not dealing with their bullshit this early in the morning.

The Blight got into her car, turning it on and pulling up some music on her phone. She always looked forward to the drive to school, since she could listen to music the whole way there. It was an escape from life that she cherished a lot. The entire way to school, she sung along to her favorite songs, completely drowning out everything around her as she jammed out. This nearly got her in several crashes, but she didn't, and the songs were good, fuck you. 

When Amity arrived at Hexside, she turned off the music and took a few deep breaths.     Don't embarrass the Blight name.     She stepped inside of the building, doing her best to exude as much confidence as possible. If people weren't respecting and fearing Amity, then Amity couldn't be considered a Blight. The mint haired girl walked over to her locker, opening it and grabbing her things that she needed for History, before entering the classroom and sitting down at her desk.

The class wasn't exactly interesting, but Amity did at least like the teacher quite a bit. Ms. Clawthorne was really good at what she did, and the Blight respected her huge passion for history, down to even the finer things like balusters. Ms. Clawthorne liked balusters a lot, for some reason. 

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