[3] - Market Meeting

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^the song above is featured in this chapter 
(i have not proofread this chapter yet, i am so sorry :-:)

Luz entered the kitchen of The Owl House, walking up behind Eda and looking at what she was cooking. "Pancakes again? Trying to make up for the ash you made yesterday?" Luz snickered, and Eda laughed along with her, "Morning, Kiddo. And, yeah, I am, actually. I'm telling you now, these are gonna be the best pancakes you've ever fucking tasted." Luz looked at the older woman suspiciously, "You sure about that?" Eda stared back at Luz confidently, determination in her eyes, "Kid, you don't understand. This is destiny, this is fate. I was chosen by a higher power to finally bring the world these pancakes, in their perfect form, unburnt. I WILL do what I was destined to do."

The two burst out into stupid laughter that lasted almost long enough for Eda to burn the pancakes. However, she didn't, and the two sat down with their destined breakfast to eat. They started to dig in, and Luz couldn't deny that they were really good. After she had taken a few bites, Eda turned to her, "So, kid, I've got a... meeting with an older friend, and so I'm not gonna be able to be at the market stall. I get it's a weekend and shit, but I'm gonna need you to cover for me for the day, 'kay?" Luz groaned, but begrudgingly agreed, knowing that the least she could do to help Eda was watch the stall for a few hours.

Eda finished eating pretty quickly, since she was in quite the rush for this "meeting" with her friend. "Make sure to feed King, I'll see you in a few hours, love you, kiddo!" And with that, the gray haired woman shut the door behind her, leaving Luz alone in the house, except for King, of course. She did exactly what Eda had told her to do, pouring some food into the large black dog's bowl and petting him while he ate. He was the cutest thing on the earth, and Luz loved him so much.

Once she was done feeding King, the Latina left for the market, where Eda worked. This was their main source of income, selling silly wood carvings that the older woman would make of owls and other birds. It wasn't the biggest moneymaker ever, but it was just enough to get by and allow for them to get some fun stuff. She eventually arrived, and parked outside of the large mass of stalls. After a small bit of searching, Luz found Eda's, and hopped inside of it to prepare for everything. There was a list of things that needed to be done before she could open up shop, and Luz slowly went through each one until everything was done and set up.

Business was somewhat slow, which she was very thankful for, since it meant less interaction with people. There had been a good amount of sales between the few people that did come, which was probably the best possible outcome for Luz. She popped her earbuds in, since it ended in 30 minutes, and usually not many people came around then, so there wouldn't be any issue. At least, that's what she thought.

"Hey, Noceda." Luz perked up, looking directly into the face of Amity fucking Blight. What was she doing here? "Sup, Minty." Amity groaned at the stupid name, but decided to ignore it, picking up a small white raven carving and examining it. "Are these yours?" Luz shook her head, "No, Eda makes these. She usually sells them as well, but she had a 'meeting' with some old friend of hers today." The Latina smirked, "Pretty sure it's actually a date, to be honest. She was acting so suspicious." Amity smiled at Luz. Wish I was on a date with you right now. Wait- stupid gay brain, shut the fuck up. You met her, what, 3 days ago? What the fuck?!

"So, what's a Blight doing out here with the commonwealth? I would have assumed you had a little servant guy that walks around and does all the shopping for you." The Blight laughed as Luz said this, looking at her questioningly, "Do I actually seem that snobby? I love going to places like this, I barely ever buy anything, just look at all the stuff that people make. It's usually really calming." The Latina started to stare at Amity as she said this, admiring the features of this absolutely beautiful- AGH. Luz, DON'T. "Yes, you absolutely do seem that snobby. I'm genuinely surprised to see that you're a real human being with feelings and shit." A really fucking pretty one. LUZ! She mentally reprimanded herself for thinking like that, having to resist actually punching herself.

That Girl - LumityHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin