[4] - Apology

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Amity got into her car, turning it on and pulling out of the driveway, beginning her drive to school. It was mostly peaceful, and yet, she still was thinking about her. It had been two days since Amity had talked to Luz at the market, but she was still all the Blight could think about. That amazing caramel skin, those beautiful brown eyes, her gorgeous hair, everything about the Latina was just so amazing.    Oh, I'm here.

She walked into Hexside, heading to her locker and grabbing her things for first period. Amity began to notice everybody.. avoiding her. Why were they-    Oh, yeah. That's why.    She was a Blight, and Blight's were supposed to be feared or whatever. And everybody did, except for- Amity collided with somebody, and she stumbled back, dropping her stuff on the floor.

"Watch where you're going, prick!" She looked up, realizing that the person she had run into was none other than Luz fucking Noceda. She felt her face heat up, and she immediately apologized, "I'm so sorry, I didn't know it was you, I probably shouldn't say that to anyone anybody, but especially not you, I'm sorry!" Amity sped through the words, not breathing until after she was finished.

Luz snickered, reaching out her hand to help the Blight up, and Amity's face got redder as she took her hand. The Latina reached down and grabbed the mint haired girl's stuff, handing it back to her. "Don't worry, Minty, you're fine." Amity blushed at the nickname, "Stop calling me Minty!" She pouted somewhat jokingly, and Luz laughed. "Why should I? You clearly like it." She stared smugly at Amity, and the Blight's face heated up even more. "N-no I don't." Luz snickered, "Sure you don't. I'll see you around, Blight." The Latina walked away, leaving Amity standing there in the middle of the hallway a blushing mess.    Why are you like this, Noceda?

When the mint haired girl arrived at her class, Boscha immediately came up to her, begging to cheat off of her on the next test. "Please, Ams, I am going to fucking fail this test if you don't help me, and my Father will fucking kill me." Amity rolled her eyes, "Why did you pick the advanced class if you knew you'd fail every test?" Boscha groaned, "Because I thought you wouldn't be such a prick and give me the answers!" Ms. Clawthorne came into the room, and Boscha stopped, instead giving Amity death glares the entire class. The test had been really easy, and Amity finished first and turned it in. She had no idea how Boscha was having trouble with this. It was literally just memorizing facts.

Eventually, it was time for Lunch, and Amity decided to skip sitting at the table with Boscha and her posse of pricks. She got the tray from the cafeteria and left, going straight to the back of the school. The food was absolutely horrible, she wasn't convinced this was even legal to be fed to children, but the Blight still finished it. Amity pulled out her phone and earbuds, putting on some soft lo-fi to help her relax. The day had felt really fast, and she really needed some time to chill. Amity sat there for a few minutes with her eyes closed, taking in the music and unwinding from the chaotic day at school. Being the top student wasn't exactly easy.

The mint haired girl felt a tap on her shoulder, and she turned around, being face to face with Luz Noceda. Amity jumped back, face going tomato red as she hit the wall behind her, and Luz snickered at the flustered girl's reaction, "Sup, Ams." The Blight's face heated up even more from the nickname.    Why was she here?    "Wanted to ask you if ya' want to come to our table, since you don't exactly seem to like hanging out with assholes with how much you come out here."

"Apparently I do, since I hang out with you." The two laughed, and Amity nodded her head. "Yeah, I'll come."


"Luz, please listen to me. I'm fine with you hanging out with Amity, but you need to be careful. I thought she was a great friend, and then she dumped me out of nowhere because she decided I wasn't good enough for her anymore." Willow explained this to Luz, who was not really listening at all. "Amity seems fine! I genuinely think she's not the huge asshole she acts like. There is nothing about her that would make me think I need to be careful around her." Willow glared at the Latina, and she sighed, "I'll be careful, Willow. I'm still gonna hang out with her, though. Actually, I was wondering if I could let her sit at our table?"

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