Chapter 15

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Chapter 15: Truth or Dare on the Bus

The raucous night at the club eventually came to an end, and the group made their way back to the tour bus, laughter echoing through the cool night air. Roman, Sasha, and the rest of the Bloodline were in high spirits, their energy still buzzing from the excitement of the evening.

As they settled into the cozy confines of the bus, Roman cracked open a bottle of champagne, the bubbly liquid flowing freely as he poured drinks for everyone. The mood was light and playful, the dim interior of the bus illuminated by the soft glow of fairy lights strung along the walls.

"Alright, who's up for a game of truth or dare?" Roman suggested, a mischievous twinkle in his eye as he raised his glass in a toast.

The rest of the group cheered in agreement, their enthusiasm contagious as they gathered in a circle on the plush couches. Sasha felt a surge of excitement coursing through her veins as she prepared for the game, her heart racing with anticipation.

"Alright, let's get this party started!" Jimmy exclaimed, a wide grin spreading across his face as he eagerly volunteered to go first.

The game quickly descended into a flurry of laughter and daring challenges, each member of the Bloodline taking turns to reveal their deepest secrets and take on outrageous dares. Roman and Sasha found themselves caught up in the excitement, their cheeks flushed with laughter as they joined in the fun.

"Dare," Sasha declared boldly, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she awaited her challenge.

Roman grinned, his gaze locked with hers as he contemplated his next move. "I dare you to...give me a lap dance," he said, his voice filled with playful challenge.

Sasha's eyes widened in surprise, a blush creeping across her cheeks as she considered the dare. But with a mischievous glint in her eye, she rose to her feet, her hips swaying seductively as she moved towards Roman.

As the rest of the Bloodline erupted into cheers and laughter, Roman couldn't tear his eyes away from Sasha's mesmerizing movements. The air crackled with tension between them, the heat of their attraction simmering just beneath the surface.

But as the night wore on and the drinks continued to flow, Sasha began to feel the effects of the alcohol taking hold. Her head spun with dizziness, her vision blurring as she struggled to keep her balance.

Roman's protective instincts kicked into high gear as he watched Sasha's condition worsen, his heart pounding with concern. Without a second thought, he reached out to steady her, his strong arms wrapping around her waist as he guided her to the nearest couch.

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine concern as he brushed a stray lock of hair from her forehead.

Sasha nodded weakly, her head spinning with nausea as she sank down onto the couch. "I think I had one too many," she murmured, her voice slurred with exhaustion.

Roman's brow furrowed with worry as he looked down at Sasha, his heart aching at the sight of her pale and trembling form. Without hesitation, he made a split-second decision.

"Hey, why don't you come sleep in my bed? It's bigger and more comfortable," he suggested, his voice soft yet firm as he gently lifted Sasha to her feet.

The rest of the Bloodline and Naomi looked on in shock as Roman led Sasha towards his private quarters, their expressions a mixture of surprise and disbelief. They had never seen Roman act so tenderly towards anyone before, and the sight left them speechless.

But Sasha insisted on sharing the bed with Roman, feeling guilty that he was giving up his own comfort for her sake. And as they settled into the warmth of Roman's bed, their bodies entwined in a tangle of limbs, they drifted off to sleep with the weight of their unspoken feelings hanging heavy in the air.

The next morning dawned bright and clear, the soft light filtering through the windows of the bus as Roman and Sasha slowly roused from their slumber. As they blinked away the remnants of sleep, their eyes met in a shared moment of awkwardness and embarrassment.

"Um...good morning," Sasha murmured, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment as she attempted to untangle herself from Roman's embrace.

Roman chuckled softly, his voice laced with amusement as he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Sasha's face. "Morning," he replied, his heart pounding with a mixture of nerves and anticipation.

But their moment of intimacy was interrupted by the sound of laughter and teasing coming from the front of the bus. The Usos had stumbled upon Roman and Sasha's compromising position, their cameras at the ready as they snapped photos of the pair cuddled up together.

"Looks like someone had a good night," Jimmy quipped, his eyes dancing with mischief as he showed off the incriminating photos to the rest of the Bloodline.

Roman and Sasha exchanged sheepish glances, their cheeks flushing with embarrassment as they realized just how exposed they had been. But amidst the teasing and laughter of their friends, there was an undeniable sense of warmth and affection – a feeling that perhaps, despite the awkwardness of the situation, there was something special blossoming between them after all.

Ringside Romance: Roman Reigns x Sasha BanksWhere stories live. Discover now