Part 11

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Natasha: We're leaving honey.

Niana: Okay bye, have fun.

Steve: Thanks we'll see you soon

Natasha: make sure to lock the house door

(They leave the house and Niana finishes washing dishes. After that she plops down on the couch and turns on her phone and sees her phone wallpaper of Nate and and her. She quickly turns off her phone. She suddenly hears a creak and grabs her gun and slowly go to the door and points the gun )

Oliver: Woah chill.

Niana: What the heck are you doing here?

Love: Can't get a hi.

Niana: (chuckles) Hey guys.

(Niana Hugs Love and Oliver)

Miles: Hey.

Niana: Hi.

(They hug, Oliver looks at cora and brandon with a smirk)

Brandon: Hey.

Cora: Hello.

Niana: Hi guys.

(Niana hugs them)

Niana: (sigh) Wow you guys really look like shit.

Cora:Well it's been a rough couple of years.

Niana: You guys want a drink?

(They all sit down while Niana pours drinks for them)

Miles: You look good.

Niana: Well I've been active. But enough about me. What's the real reason you guys came here?

Oliver: You saw through that huh?

Niana: Yeah.

(Niana turns and puts the jug on the table)

Oliver: We need you back in the avengers.

(Niana turns around with a annoyed face)

Niana: Who put you up to this?

Love: No one did, Nia. We need a great leader and we need you. The avengers are gone.

Niana: I'm sorry guys but I put my avengers shit way behind me.

Brandon: But don't you care about us and Nate.

Niana: You know I care about y'all but Nate on the other hand. I haven't talked to him since the breakup.

Miles: Oh come on how long was that?

Niana: 2 years.

All: dang.

Niana: Sorry guys but nothing you say or do will make me join back.

Miles: Nia we're not asking, we're begging. Please?

Niana: What about the council?

Cora: we're back in. Our parents talked to the council and they said that it'll be acceptable also because we're all 18 now

Niana: (sigh) Let's kick butt.

Oliver: Yes.

(The next day.They reach S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters and go into Nick's office)

Niana: Anybody miss me?

Morgan: Hey girl.

(Niana hugs Morgan)

Morgan: How are you?

Niana: I'm good.

Billy: Well i'm glad you're back

Niana: Hey guys.

(Niana hugs Billy and Tommy)

Tommy: Hey.

Niana: Hey.

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