Part 12

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(They land and all get off the ship they start walking to the castle)

Love: watch out there's a lot of thieves here.

(They are walking and suddenly and kid grabs Niana's arm)

Niana: Hey stop, let go of me!

(Another kid behind tries to reach for her wallet, she grabs the other kid's arm and grabs the first kid's arm.)

Niana: Enough!

(She looks at the kid behind that looks frightened)

Love: What's going on?

(she looks at Love and then the kids, her heart softens and lets go of the kids she gives them her wallet)

Niana: Just take it.

(The kids run off giggling with the wallet)

Miles: You okay?

Niana: Yeah I'm fine.

(They continue walking and reach the entrance of the castle; they get stopped by guards)

Guard #1: Sorry, can't let you through.

Love: Yes you will and that's a demand.

Guard #2: On whose order?

Love: Mine.

Guard #1: And you are?

Love: Thor's daughter? God of thunder?

Guard #1: Don't ring a bell.

Love: (sigh) I'm Princess Love of asgard. King Thor's daughter.

(Everyone's eyes widened and they all look at each other. )

Guard #1: Y-Your majesty I'm so sorry.

Guard #2: Very sorry.

Love: It's alright.

(The guards open the door and Love goes inside)

Guard #2: What about the others?

Love: They're with me.

Guard #2: Yes My lady.

(They enter)

Oliver: I'm dating a princess!

Love: Shh not so loud.

(They stop before they enter the throne room)

Love: Let me do the talking and don't fawn over my cousin. Okay?

(Love looks at Niana)

Niana(Sarcastically): Yes mom.

(Love opens the door and they all walk in the throne room)

Love: Hey Cuz.

(Helia stands up and walks down)

Helia: Hey.

Love: You look good.

Helia: You do too i guess-

(Helia looks at Niana)

Helia: Well you my little duckling is ravishing.

Niana: Excuse me.

(Miles puts his arm around her)

Miles: Yeah. Ravishing and taken.

Helia: I'll keep my eye on you, love.

Niana: Ugh.

(Helia walks to his throne and miles takes his arm off her)

Niana: Thank you.

Miles: Anytime.

Helia: So any reason why you're visiting me?

Love: I need you out of Asgard.

(Helia stops and slowly turns around and walks down)

Helia: Who told you?

Love: Doesn't matter who.

Helia: Lemme tell you something love. Growing up without parents was hard and being a kid on the streets was even harder. But I guess since I had you and uncle Thor it wasn't so bad. And I now have a castle and I can't even take over asgard! I should be next in line! Not you, Love I mean come on, is there anything more crazy?

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