Part 22

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An hour later they all arrive back the castle to see their ship busted)

Niana: Oh my god.

Nate: Holy- our ship!

Niana: No no no no!

(All of them runs to their ship to check on it)

Niana: Shit my parents are gonna kill me!

Cora: Well aren't they gonna already I mean?

Niana: Gee Thanks Cor.

Nakia: How did this even happen?

(Okoye runs out)

Okoye: My queen, My prince. There's been a situation.

(They all run out to the barrier.)

Niana: What's going on?

Okoye: Someone entered inside the barrier.

T'Challa: Spears!

(All the guards point their spears. The person comes out of plain sight and Niana recognises her)

Niana: Wait wait wait! Don't shoot! Cleo?

Cleo: Nia!

(Niana runs to hug Cleo)

Niana: What the hell are you doing here?

Cleo: Well uh that's an interesting question (chuckles).

Niana: Oh my god, fine inside now.

(Niana and Cleo goes inside)

Niana: Guys come on. It's okay she's with us!

( the avengers, Latiya and Nakia follow Niana inside)

Niana: Okay hold on what are you doing here?

Cleo: This.

(Cleo takes out a newspaper from her bag and gives it to Niana. They all see their pictures on it.)

Niana: the fuck-

Nate: What the 'Teenagers missing since 2 days ago' oh my god.

Oliver: Cleo where did you get this?

Cleo: It's all over New York.

Brandon: Great so not only are we fugitives of Asgard we are also missing teenagers in New York great just great.

Love: Wait but we called our parents and they knew we were alive.

Morgan: And if the only reason why they think we're not alive-

Jade: Is if we didn't-

Niana: Answer their calls…..

(Everyone looks at Brandon who's nervous)

Niana: Nakia? Nakia!

T'Challa: Mother!

(Nakia enters)

Nakia: Yes Niana.

Niana: Can you settle Cleo into the room she'll be staying here for a while.

Cleo: what no I wanna help

Niana: No okay no. You're too young, we'll be in New York and we'll come back for you I promise.

(Niana hugs Cleo.)

niana(softly): Go.

Nakia: Do you like ice cream?

(Nakia and Cleo leave)

Cora: Bran, did you forget to answer the calls?

Brandon: Uh maybe-

Billy: Jesus bro!

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