Chapter 24 - Witch's Offerings

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A moment of silence passed after they had finally stopped kissing and parted to meet each other's eyes, both gleaming in pure bliss that the make out session brought to them.

"You may need to put that back on." Daphne said suddenly.

I was confused, Were we not having a good time? "Why?"

She took a deep breath and looked around, gesturing her hands around in all directions. "You're in Siren City, the society that hates humans and you think you can take it without the mask?" She seemed more worried about me than I thought was possible this morning considering how she left. "You're more crazy than I thought then."

"That's my middle name, Hysteria Crazy at your service milady." I said, bowing slightly so that the effect became real no matter how playful the intent was. It worked of course, her face practically one of the street lights of this glowing city. "But since you asked so nicely, I will gladly put the mask back on." I said before reaching for the mask and taking a deep breath before pulling it down, my face gone.

"Thank you." She seemed to be genuinely happy I did it before her face overcame with realisation.

"What is it?" I noticed the look on her face.

"You're a witch right?" She said, her eyes suddenly gleaming again, but different from before. This looked more like she was formulating a plan.

"Yes?" I tentatively said, careful with my words, as I didn't know how her plans came through in the end.

"Come with me!"


In Vanessa's Place~

"So let me get this straight. You want me to help her," I said pointing at a girl staring in seemingly random directions, "before the magic spell some random siren placed on her gets so bad that she eventually twists her neck as if her neck was a wringed out towel?"

"Quite the gruesome type, isn't she?" The Siren standing next to Daphne said, obviously not talking to me.

Ignoring what the other girl had said, Daphne replied with, "Yes. We, as sirens, usually don't make the potion needed for the magic to work as our species never really found any need for letting our food go." She looked disgusted at the mention of what her kind considered humans.

She then walked into what looked like the kitchen of the small home and arised from it carrying a pot brewing what smelt like the right potion, but was just slightly off.

"As you can probably tell," She continued, "Our attempts at the potion were unsuccessful so far. If you can help us though, we won't even need the potion, right?" She looked excited, as if she placed a bet on how fast this girl would be healed.

I hated breaking the passion in her eyes, but some things had to be pointed out. "Actually, from what I remember, you do need the potion and if you just find a frog and get it to cough some mucus into the mixture, you may be able to have enough time to save the potion to the point where you can do it yourself. I would have to go back to my home to check my books, but if you just do that, then there is no need for a witch as it takes more power for a witch to do it with a smaller success rate then if a siren were to do it with just the potion."

Just as I had finished my explanation, another siren girl walked through the door with blue hair that looked more like one for the fake wigs from the surface than something that replicated the other two girls' hair.

She looked at me suspiciously and then at the girls and said, "Who's the masked stranger? Don't tell me you guys were planning on that when the poor girl is still right there?!" She looked as if she really believed that is what would have happened.

Pretending not to hear that last comment, I spoke up. "No. Actually, I am here to help with the girl. By the way, what is her name?"

"Don't know. The spell was manufactured to not let her speak without permission from her master which we haven't seen for quite some time."

"That's okay. I just wanted to know so I had more advantage." I turned to the other two girls, specifically Daphne. "Bye! I'll be back with the spellbooks we need!" Then I left the home and went down the stairs.

Interesting. Very interesting.

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