Avoidance - Part 3

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It had been a few weeks since Bucky had met Sophie and the two were inseparable. He constantly facetimed you and her whenever he could, he came around with food from the bistro, and took a genuine interest in her life which made you happy and relieved. Gone are the days of avoiding Bucky and you were relieved about it. 

It took some getting used to, sharing Sophie with Bucky, but you managed. You told her about Bucky being a hockey player and she was instantly obsessed with everything Brooklyn Blades. Bucky had gotten her an exact mini replica of his jersey she could wear, a Blades calendar, stickers, and any team merchandise he could get his hands on, she was their newest number one super fan. 

Bucky even started texting you here and there, asking how your day was, or if you needed anything. It was weird at first, but you eventually got used to it. It was nice having someone other than Nat and your mom to talk to, even if it was Bucky.

You had been busy planning the fundraiser when you saw a large package being delivered to your office. 

"What's this?" you pointed to the box. 

It was addressed to you. 

"No idea. Need any help?" Scott asked while he placed it on your desk. 

"No, it's fine. Probably the new platters I ordered anyways" you got out the scissors. 

Scott left your office, and you opened the box. A note was attached to the tissue paper.

"Thought you and Sophie need a night out. Tickets, parking, and snacks on me. Figured you didn't have one of these for yourself, so you can wear this and match Sophie. See you both tonight. B." 

You smiled to yourself while you looked through the box. You pulled out an adult sized Barnes jersey which covered two red roses. He was right. You didn't own anything Blades, but perhaps you were coming around to the idea of adding a few pieces to your wardrobe. Your face was a little red. 

"What's that?" Nat poked her head in your office. 

You quickly put the jersey down and covered the roses. Nat was protective of you and cautioned you every chance she got about Bucky. Not that she didn't trust Bucky, but she just wanted you to be careful. 

"His jersey?" She looked in the box at the folded sweater. 


"Going to the game tonight then?" She arched one of her eyebrows at you. 

"Guess so. Tickets for me and Sophie, all the snacks we can eat and a prime parking spot." You smiled. 

"Have fun then." She winked at you then left. You took out the jersey and smiled to yourself, and then you took out the roses and smelled them before placing them back in the box. You cleared your throat and shook your head to clear it, getting back to work on the fundraiser.

You got to the rink with Sophie and her eyes were huge. She took in the large arena and the fans piling in. She was in awe that her dad's name was plastered on the back of a lot of jerseys and was smiling wide at them. You found your seats, across from the players bench and was a few rows up from the penalty box. 

"These seats are the best!" Sophie was loving it. 

She was practically vibrating from excitement in her seat. The lights of the arena dimmed a little and she tensed. 

"Look!" she pointed to the bench. 

The players were coming out for their warmups.

"There's Dad!" she gushed. 

Bucky Barnes One Shots and Imagines - Part 3Where stories live. Discover now