Prolonged: To drive the most rational person to madness

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Three person POV

You observe the man strolling through the nocturnal cityscape, and a memory flashes back: he was expelled from Arasaka Academy at the age of seventeen for getting into a physical altercation with Tanaka, who was behaving disrespectfully towards him.

He was born into the wealthiest family in the city at night and initially tried to follow in their footsteps, but ended up rebelling against his parents. He was dismissed from his job as a waiter and ultimately chose to become a Mercenary.

He is earning money to sustain himself in the city at night, as his parents have passed away and left him their inheritance. Instead of using the inherited money, he is saving it for the future and working hard to make his own money. He has learned over 180 martial arts styles from some clients who have also taught him valuable lessons.

His other clients have been instructing him on using various types of firearms and how to handle them, including teaching him the names of the guns.

According to the N54 news anchor Bes Isis, it is believed that individuals rarely depart from Night City alive as they may face violent endings. Furthermore, he has mastered various shooting techniques and combat styles for self-defense.

He is being called different nicknames by people all over the night city and has developed a reputation of not being messed with.

His phone rang, preventing him from reminiscing about the past as someone was calling him. He answered the call by pressing the button on his phone.

F/N|📱|: Who are you that I am talking to?

???|📱|: I have a task for you to complete at this moment.

F/N|📱|: How much will I receive for this task? I do not wish to do it for free, you understand, right?

???|📱|: Yes, I am aware of that, and I will be sending 10 million along. Please send me a picture of the completed task.

F/N|📱|: I always ensure that I complete tasks fully and never leave them unfinished on my part.

???|📱|: I will provide you with details and a photograph of your target.

F/N|📱|: I am confirming that they are deceased and preparing to carry out my task. I will also be sending a photo of their body.

???|📱|: Please do not delay the completion of your work on the teak as I have invested a significant amount of money in it and do not like waiting.

F/N|📱|: Sure, I understand your point, but I need to focus on my task now so I'm going to hang up.

???|📱|: Make sure to stay out of trouble and avoid getting arrested by the police.

F/N|📱|: I never get arrested because I always make sure to hide any evidence linking me to the scene.

???|📱|: It's good for me to hear about that because everything I have built over the years is now crashing and burning.

F/N|📱|: I will speak with you once I have finished work and I need to concentrate on my tasks.

Next, he must click on "end call" and then put on his music and headphones to fully concentrate on the work he is about to do.

Next, he tapped the play music button on his phone while also reviewing the information and a photo of my target, followed by a sigh escaping his mouth.

He advanced towards his objective with firm resolve to remove anyone impeding his progress, ensuring their downfall as he fired at them without a second thought.

He was arming himself in readiness for a potential shootout, with his knife securely fastened in its holster.

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