125: Find Your Own Way

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Warning: smut in the beginning.

After getting back to Alexandria we didn't have much time to do anything. With Alpha's death we knew it was only a matter of time before Beta brought the herd to Alexandria. So we bolted. We left Alexandria. Except we aren't the only community that left their home. Everyone from our four communities fled their homes as well.

We're hiding out in an abandoned hospital that is littered with cats. I left with Daryl to check the perimeter. I couldn't stand the smell of cat piss anymore. We also have plans to lead the herd away later. We strapped a bunch of speakers to a wagon and are planning on driving it over a cliff in order to demolish the herd.

With everything that's going on Daryl and I haven't really had any time to process the fact that we are together again. We haven't been able to tell anyone about it either. Not even the kids. I've been craving just on singular moment where we can let go and be carefree with each other. But that hasn't happened yet and most likely won't happen until all of this shit with the Whisperers is over. 

"Ya like this plan don't ya?" Daryl asked me. "Drivin' the horde off a cliff."

"Yeah, I do." I laughed. "It's funny how this one wasn't my idea though. I'm kind of embarrassed I didn't think of it this time."

"Maybe it means yer becomin' less self destructive." He grunted at me. "Or less reckless."

"That doesn't sound like me." I smirked at him. "I think you've just been distracting me these past couple of days."

"Distractin' ya?" We stopped walking as he narrowed his eyes at me. "How's that?"

"It doesn't matter." I sighed. "We have shit to do, so-"

"Nah." He cut me off. "Tell me, come on. Talk to me."

I lightly laughed and bit my lip while thinking of his words. "Yeah, I, uh. I don't want to talk." 

"Well yer gonna." He groaned at me. "Ya promised ya would, Mae. So talk."

"Fine ya wanna know?" I questioned irritatedly because I know even after voicing this, it's not gonna change anything. We still have shit to do, people to protect.  He nodded and I sighed. "I just keep thinking of that ass of yours. And of everything I would let you do to me." I squeezed my thighs together just thinking of him. He didn't say anything which made me feel so stupid. "I shouldn't have said anything. Like I said we have shit to do. It's just that we haven't really had one moment since getting back together. That's all I want and I don't know when we'll be able to because we have a million issues and-"

My words were cut off with him dropping his crossbow on the ground, grabbing my face with both his hands, and violently kissing me. He removed one of his hands from my face and slowly trailed it down my body until it rested firmly on my ass. I felt him give it a small squeeze before removing his lips from mine and planting them on my neck instead. 

I leaned back against the tree I was right In front of while his lips assaulted my neck. He was sucking hard and I know that would leave me with a hickey, but I don't care. The only thing I can think about is how now I'm currently putty in his hands as he sucks on my sweet spot. 

"Is this what ya wanted?" He asked me while whispering into my ear, and I nodded helplessly. His hand that was on my ass slowly traveled to the button of my jeans as I wrapped my arms around his neck. He undid the button and shoved his hand down the front of my jeans and into my panties. "Jesus Christ, yer soaked." He smirked at me. "Ya want me that bad?"

"Yes." I answered him softly as his fingers started running through my wet folds. "Please, Dare. I need you."

He looked all around us. "We're gonna have to be quick."

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