Chapter 4: Clara's tree

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Michel spent a calm early afternoon at the hotel.

The last thing he wanted was to put innocent people in danger. He did not want to be followed to Clara's dinner. He changed clothes, left the TV on, and sneaked through the hotel's back door. He took a long walk towards areas not as packed with tourists. The intention was to make sure he would see anyone following him. You are more visible in an empty street, but anyone following you is also.

The fact that Satish had found the match with the three guys relatively easy started to worry Michel. Something disturbing was happening. Those were checks that Europol and local authorities should have done by default.

Michel arrived at Clara's house twenty minutes before the agreed time. There was no bell in the garden door. He opened the door and entered. He noticed a tree at the back of the garden, with a massive stone almost hidden by the grass.

"Could this be ... one of the entries to the famous tunnels?" he thought.

"Hi Michel! Ça va? I'm so glad you came!" said Carla. Marta and Suzanne were sitting on the stairs that led to the entry.
"What a nice garden you have,"' he mentioned.

"Thanks! I can take care of it now that I spend so much time here, " Carla answered.

Carla prepared a light dinner with salad, French cheese, and an exquisite dessert from the region called 'Gâteau Basque.'

Michel was disturbed by Suzanne's resemblance to his daughter. The girls went out to the garden after dinner. There was still light outside, sunset beautifully coloring the sky with orange dyes.

"How are you really doing, Michel? I was so sad to hear about the accident. It was hard to get hold of you after," said Michel.

"I know," he replied.

Michel did not like talking about the accident. It was just a number for the authorities but a whole collapse for Michel and his family. Another drunk asshole. An irresponsible who ended the only lives he really cared about. Michel disappeared for anyone who knew him. Thinking of his wife and daughter was too hard, too sad. Carla knew him well and was not worried about him. She did see him going through hard times. She did see him and her husband lose unit members, brothers. When Laura appeared in Michel's life, Clara knew that would change Michel's life forever. It did. Michel almost abandoned everything and tried to live an everyday life. Carla was happy for him. What she never managed to do with her husband, Laura managed to do with Michel.

Nineteen years later, there was an accident. Carla heard what happened because that old squad member from her husband needed a way out of trouble in Thailand. Michel, or someone who mentioned that name to the authorities, had almost beaten to death a sex tourist in Thailand who was abusing a little girl. Carla still had some influence and helped several mercenaries her husband considered his team. Michel was never the one that got into trouble. But that time, it was different. Carla was like a mother to all of them.

"I still enjoy sunsets," replied Michel.

Carla stopped the conversation there. She understood it was a way to say, "I know there is still a life to live."

Michel started to ask about Carla's granddaughter, also to smoothen the tension of the conversation with Carla.

"So Marta wants to become an economist?" he asked.

"Yes, she is currently studying in Paris, and everything seems to be going fine. You remember my son Albert? He has a business in Madrid that is going pretty fine. His wife is adorable and a successful and respected lawyer. Both are very busy people. Marta enjoys traveling and being abroad. She has lots of fun and knows how to surround herself with good people. Suzanne is her best friend there. She seems like a nice and smart woman."

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