Chapter 8: The tunnel

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"What do you mean 'Killed someone'?" asked Suzanne,

"The police found dead one of the three guys from the other day at the beach. It happened yesterday evening. They arrested me, and after a few questions, they started asking me about our fight at the beach the other day," Jon explained anxiously.

"It was not even a fight," stated Nazim.

"That's precisely what I told them. I've seen them a couple of times in town and at the beach after that, but we did not even cross a word after that day," Jon concluded.

"But how did the guy die?' asked Marta.

"Can't be sure. But from what I overheard at the Police station, he was hit or pushed by someone, fell down the steep stairs at the end of Miramar beach, hitting his head pretty bad," said Jon.

Marta reacted, puzzled, "That's a weird way to could get hurt...but dying from the fall is bad luck".

They all looked at each other, puzzled, trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

The girls walked Jon and Nazim to his house and returned home. Suzanne was hoping to see Michel there. She was looking forward to understanding what that thing about the tunnels was about.

When Suzanne and Marta arrived, Carla greeted them and asked them not to make noise.

"Michel is fine, but he is resting again. Let's give him the time for it. He might join us for dinner. But I warn you! Don't ask weird questions. We will figure out what the story is, but no stress tonight," Carla insisted.

Suzanne and Marta retired to their room.

"What a day!" said Marta.

"And we are not done yet! Fancy some gardening?" asked Suzanne.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't tell me you don't want to check that stone and see if there is something down there,"

"Granma would kill us!"

"She won't even notice. Come one, it's just moving a little stone," smiled Suzanne.

"You are crazy," answered Marta.

There was still some time before dinner. Marta and Suzanne took two long beach chairs and went to the garden. Checking that her grandmother was not looking out the window, Marta searched the garden house for a big shovel.

"So what now?" she said.

'We dig,' said Suzanne.

Marta rolled her eyes.

Half an hour later, the edges of the stone were clean.

"Great. We created a real mess in the garden. There is no way we'll be able to move this big stone," said Marta. "What if it's a grave," she added, gripped by fear.

"You have yet to hear of Archimedes 'Give me the place to stand, and I shall move the earth','' smiled Suzanne.

"Come on. Cockroaches, rats, or anything weird could come out from under the rock!" begged Marta, shaking her head.

"I just want to have a quick look," replied Marta as she pulled heavily on the shovel.

The stone moved a few inches, just enough to be able to glance a look inside.

Suzanne took her phone flashlight and surveyed the interior.

"So? Do you see something?" asked Marta.

Suzanne stood up with a big smile. "There are stairs here...this is the entrance to a tunnel."

"Dinner, girls!" Carla shouted from the porch.

Marta and Suzanne placed the two beach chairs over the stone and the entry to the tunnel.

"Can we leave the chairs here?" shouted Marta to her grandmother, trying to hide.

"Yes, leave them there and come for dinner," answered Carla.

Michel came down the stairs and joined them. The old man's energy was clearly depleted, a real contrast from the other day. He looked just strong enough to handle dinner with decent manners.

The girls politely asked him how he felt. They both had to refrain from asking more about the backpacks, the garden, the fall, the tunnels.

Michel brought up the issue on the second course. Carla was far from happy. She felt like getting into the subject could endanger them all, and she was extremely worried about the girls.

"I understood you found my bag," he said.

"We did," said Marta, "we are sorry for sneaking out on your stuff. We did not know who it was and wanted to find out what to do with it. Why did you put the bag in the tree?"

Michel looked at Carla. He saw her serious mood and refrained from giving too many explanations for the moment.

"I had an issue with my hotel reservation and was going to leave my luggage here. It all happened late in the evening, and I did not want to wake anybody up. I expected the tree to be safe enough for a couple of hours. But then I got sick and fell. You know the rest. There is not much to say about it." explained Michel.

The two girls looked at each other, not believing a single word of the story.

They all remained silent for the rest of the dinner.

Carla and Marta were cleaning the dishes in the kitchen. Suzanne saw an opportunity to provoke Michel slightly, share some interesting news, and spark a different conversation.

"Do you remember the three guys at the beach the other day? The ones who argued with Jon?" said Suzanne.

"Of course I do," answered Michel.

"Well, one of them died yesterday," she responded.

Michel leaned back in his chair. A déjà vu moment popped- Him sneaking into the suite where the three lascars were staying.

"What? Are you serious?"

Suzanne noticed the weird looks and knew she had managed to get the reaction she had sought.

His face changed drastically. Michel tried to reach for the phone in his pocket. He realized the one he was looking for was lost when he fell into the water from the cliff.

Carla entered the dining room. She saw Michel's worried face and turned abruptly towards Suzanne. Her eyes held an accusatory glare.

"I had to tell him," explained Suzanne, apologizing, "there are very strange things happening in this town and it is somehow related to Michel."

Suzanne turned to Michel. "I saw what you have on your computer, the tunnel maps."

Marta bumped her head with her hand in despair.

Suzanne continued: "One of the tunnel openings is here, in this garden.
"We moved that stone near the tree. There are stairs." confessed Suzanne.

"Oh my..." said Carla.

Carla added, " Listen, girls, this is too dangerous for you to get involved. It's too dangerous for everybody." She looked at Michel. I'll have to make a few calls because this is really going out of hand. Please trust me, don't even consider whatever you are thinking of doing, and go to bed. Tomorrow, the authorities will take care of this, and we will all forget about this and continue our holidays."

Suzanne looked disappointed. This adventure was sparking a new energy in her. She expected to solve the mystery, but Clara's request was putting a stop to her excitement.

Carla added: "Please, girls. I beg you! Stay at home tonight."

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