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'The peg seller.'
Upon her eye, the teardrop fails,
a liquid sorrow, she does yearn,
for pasts shame, to wither wane,
tilt the chin, but see the pride remains.


'The hunt.'
The hawk, curviture beaks
no flight of obedience
adorne the sky, with such poignant
circular precision swoop her descend
how deathly she makes the brace.


Perhaps no other word
could bring true-felt mean,
I feel validated the three!
since when is truest felt
strongest is the spell of
I love thee!


'Always you to me.'
One single teardrop,
she simply sighs
as I caress her tender face,
but turn of headsprings forth a smile,
aahh! Majestic grace!


02:05:24 [poems of a schizophrenic jailbird]Where stories live. Discover now