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'Ambivielantly, nonchalently, indifferent.'
Afar upon, a distant place, a minds in content,
supline and spent, lies a satied form.

Why does he not pretence the sleep?

not one half lidded eye?
no defence or plan to hatch?
intent only in a lovers catch.

Alas, meet in his charm

but even now, passive to glance,
entombed in rays of warmest sun,
how still the thoughts in conquest won.

But toltate, why the passion? Laid in haste,

not fearing the close heeled chase,
aagghh! ill-tide a foe has sent,
wraths entity, it's daggers rent.

To arms, the mind goes to guard,

but alas, indifference to the last
all that's left, the empty past.


(Do not) 'Slip your mask.'
Have a cheer, the worries forgot
but behold, the turn, the very plot
beware the vein, lifes essent pools
draw not the well of laughing mirth,
collectives of strong tiding, false,
believe one and the rest will pace,
you merry way down the chase.


02:05:24 [poems of a schizophrenic jailbird]Where stories live. Discover now