Once upon a time...

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In a quaint cottage nestled amidst the town Graveyard at the edge of the woods, Agatha lay tucked under her patchwork quilt, her eyes wide with wonder as her Mothers' gentle voice wove through the air, carrying the tale of Eros and Psyche. Agatha, with her mind sharp as a blade, found herself drawn to Psyche's resilience, and her unwavering determination to prove herself worthy to the gods.

Callis -"And Aphrodite sent the poor Psyche to collect some the fleece of the Golden Rams, she knew of their furious temper and was confident this trial would prove too difficult for the mortal girl deal with"

Agatha-"How did she do it Mum , was she hurt?"

Callis-"No my love , she bided her time observed the rams and watched as wool was caught in the the briars of the throne bushed .Psyche waited till they left and collected them from the prickly bush, outwitting the Goddesses of Love."

Meanwhile, in the town of Galvadon, Sophie lay nestled in her makeshift canopy bed, her cheeks flushed with anticipation as her mother read aloud the ancient tale of love and betrayal. With each word, Sophie's heart swelled with the yearning for a love as timeless and pure as that of Eros and Psyche. She imagined herself as the fair maiden, swept off her feet by a godly suitor, their love transcending all obstacles. In the soft glow of her bedside lamp, Sophie's fantasies danced, painting a future where she too would find her own epic romance.

Vanessa-"And as Psyche was revied as the poisonous vapour from the underworld was removed from her body by her estranged winged husband. Their eyes meet and all the distrust that had passed between them was dead and bearded, for Psyche had proved her loyalty and unwavering love and they shared a reunion more passionate then any of the gods had witnessed before or since"

Sophie-"oh that's so romantic , I cant wait to fall in love . How does it end Mummy?"

Vanessa-"Eros flew is love to Olympus convinced the goods of her virtue and their love , where Psyche was given the Ambrosia of the gods so she could spend the rest of eternity with her divine husband Eros ."

And in a grand palace adorned with opulent tapestries, the young daughter of Eros and Psyche sat perched on her silk-covered bed, her gaze fixed on her mother the very women in the story Ariadne was being told. Though enraptured by the tale of her parents' legendary love, a flicker of fear danced in the child's eyes, knowing all too well the power her grandmother wielded.

Psyche-"And they lived happily ever after , the end" 

Ariadne-"Mother ?"

Psyche-"Yes my dear?"

Ariadne-"Is Grandmother Evil?"

Psyche paused for a moment not knowing how to answer , before answering "Their is not always evil or good my dear and I don't believe anyone is truly good"

Ariadne-"But she tried to hurt you ?"

Psyche-"She was hurt my love ,people are capable of terrible things when their hurt especially a women let alone a goddess."

The little hathblood child nodded and layed her head upon her pillow letting her mind drift off. Psyche lent down to her beloved daughter and kissed her head lovingly,  and left her little sleeping beauty .

Psyche-"Sleep well Ariadne"

Vanessa-"Good night Sophie"

Callis-"Night Agatha"

All the girls-"Night Mum"

Across time and space all three little girls lay half asleep the words of their bedtime stories still fresh in their minds,  Three girls, worlds apart yet connected by the timeless tale of Eros and Psyche, unaware of the intertwining paths that awaited them in the tapestry of fate.

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