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If it wasn't for the fireplace crackling and the rain pouring, the silence would have been nauseatingly loud. "Um..." Sunoo shuffled on his feet. First kisses were awkward, the first time meeting their parents, first pet names, all cutely awkward. But nothing could beat this. The first make-out session. I mean, what was my problem?! I just had to launch myself onto him like a  throw blanket and let him absolutely destroy my mouth in the most ridiculous kiss I'd ever received. "I should go, shouldn't I?" I shook my head. "Please, don't feel awkward." He tilted my chin to look up at him. "I don't." His finger caressed my cheek. "You're awkward and I want to know if you'd rather I leave and let you...gather your thoughts."

That made it worse. I was getting in my head again, just like always. "Nugget", Sunoo chimed. "Don't zone out on me now." My cheeks flushed as I lay down on the bed again, slightly spreading my legs open. "Mmm, you make moves quickly." He moved to hover over me, and chuckled when he saw my wide, confused eyes. "Joking." I would be lying if I said I hadn't wished for him to escalate, but I was still a bit hazy about our other encounter. He sat next to me and rested his head on mine. "Sunoo," I whimpered. "I know, baby. I know." He kissed the top of my head. "It's different from what we're used to." He turned my face to him. "Hey, for what it's worth, I enjoyed every second."

I didn't want to take note of the hand on my thigh, but my emotions intensified as he rubbed it with innocent intent and seductive touch. "Mmmh", I sighed in satisfaction. "What's that about?", Sunoo asked. "Um-I, uh...I like massages." He giggled as if he knew that wasn't the reason why I so shamelessly moaned. "Really? I like the sounds you make whilst I massage you." A bit straightforward, but it made me blush nonetheless. "Sunoo", I whispered in his ear. He cocked a brow at me, amused. "Can we kiss one more time?" He smiled that smile that had all the feminism drain from my body. "Of course, Sunshine. You don't even have to ask.

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