Them as high schoolers

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(Senior addition)

"Where my hug at?"

This is the category where a typical senior high schooler asks a younger high schooler the phrase "where my hug at", implementing that the want a hug.


Heeseung was a jock at school

He had multiple 'girlfriends' that were his age, but you...there was something special about you

It started with innocent winks and waves, but turned it to something more nagging

"Ayyy, where my hug at?"

"Heeseung, leave."

"Come one, kid, just one."

"Bitch please-you're built like an upside down question mark."


He was the Highschool heart throb of school

Even the teachers grew heady at his sight

He was popular, playful and annoying but also smart, talented and charismatic 

Ever since you transferred from Australia to his school, he's been picking on you non-stop

"Yooooo, wallaby, where's my hug at? C'mon, gimme some sugar😜😜"

"Don't you have classes to attend?"

"Nah, it's cool. The teacher has a crush on me so I can skip her classes."

"I-I'm sorry, you need to call the police, sir🤢"


He was the absolute worst person alive

Yes, he was your brothers friend, and yes, you've known him since forever

But that never stopped him from acting so damn bothersome

He always started the day with the same exact phrase, but today you had a plan

"Baby, where my hug at?"

You smiled and hugged him sweetly

"Wait-what are you- FUCK!"

You kicked him in the balls☺️☺️

"Guess who?"

Here, we get to see this action of a the senior in questions walking up behind the younger student and putting their hands over the student's eyes, asking them to guess who it is.


Today was my day off, finally

I called in sick from school and spent the day walking around the neighbourhood 

Everything was quiet, calm, peaceful. Utterly perfect

Until the fatal moment...

"Guess who?"

"It can't be..."

"Oh, but it is."

"No! I called in sick to escape from you! How did you even-"

"Shhhhh, don't worry kid, I'll walk you home."


You were just a quiet kid, not too popular but not a loner

Not much about you stood out, really 

So why, oh why did he notice you? Why did he have to choose you as his victim?

You were still trying to figure that out

"Guess who?"

"Jungwon. Again."

"Aww, you know me so well just by my voice~"

"Well obviously. No one else is your grade still sounds like they're hustling through puberty😀🫵💀"


"Without me?"

This is when they say the phrase "without me" when you state that you're going to take a shower.


You were dating that one guy, the stupid jock hot senior

You liked him a lot, but there were times when you wanted to file for a divorce of a marriage that you didn't even co-exist in

Like for instance, that weekly need of his to say the wretched phrase that had you yearn for the urn 

"Baby, I'm taking a shower now, okay?"

"Without me?"

"Yes, without you. I find joy in that."

"Nah, you playing cuhh."


It would have been tolerable if he was your boyfriend

But no, you didn't even know the dude's last name

He found immense joy in irritating the flippity fuck out of you

Yet, today you felt the need to pay him back

He had just finished his rugby game and was all sweaty. He then started running to the bathrooms

"Where you going?"

"To shower..."

"Without me🥺?"

"Definitely not"

He scooped you up in his arms and started darting to the bathrooms

"No! Stop!(pls don't stop, like, I volunteer as tribute)"

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