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"Pick up your momentum!" Coach shouts

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"Pick up your momentum!" Coach shouts. I nod and continue to glide along the ice and apply force to both my legs allowing me to speed around the rink.

I practice the new routine we had been working on for the last week until my eyes land on Faith Larson.

She was seated behind the dasher boards looking at the others who were here tonight working on their moves. The Olympics were officially a week away, I had just received my invitation while others were practicing to continue on with nationals after not making the cut. Some were practicing for next years competition, hoping to finally make it out on the ice while others were just brushing up on their skills.

I glance over at Faith again, I had been meaning to reach out to her about her accident. I sent flowers to her home but I'm not sure if she received them or not, looking over my shoulder I see that Coach's attention was on a few of my peers, giving me the perfect opportunity to skate over to her so I do.

I let out a laugh when I see her jump from the sound of me colliding with the dasher board. "Hey, what's up!?" I lean against it and watch her look up at me only to look the other way. I skate I that direction but she turns sher head the opposite way once again, now looking left.

Looks like we're going left.

I skate to the left of her and chuckle while trying to meet her eyes but she only looks down.

"Hello Faith." Being the obnoxious person that I am, I put my hand in her face and wave until she lets out a groan.

You're going to acknowledge me!

"You're very irritating." She mutters finally looking up at me. Well it's good to know that the girl can make eye contact. I was starting to think her eyes stopped working when in my presence.

"I'm irritating to you?" I ask while I exit the rink and take the seat beside her. She turns and looks at me for a second then looks away again.

"I'll take that as a yes, I'm fine with that!" I really am. I've held that reputation since childhood. I just like getting under people's skin at times it's funny and adds to a boring moment.

"Shouldn't you be out on the ice?" I nod and look out at the rink then back at her. I should but I've been here since five this morning skating my ass off. My feet are now numb and my legs damn there feel like noodles from all the leg exercises Coach made me do. "I think I'm done for the day, so when are you getting back out on the ice?" I glance at her then at the cast covering her leg.

From what I heard, she broke her tibia during her last competition and won't make it to this year's Olympics so from skater to skater I just wanted to check in on her to see how she's doing.

I know if I were in that situation I'd be crushed so I get it.

Faith is the next best skater out of or state and if I'm being honest, if the competition wasn't divided between genders I'm sure she could skate around me with ease. I've sat back the last six years and watched her push herself to greatness, do moves that even professional figure skaters have trouble with so for her to mess up on her quad axel sucks and honestly blows me. I was back in the lockers watching the whole performance and it was perfect right up until she had to do the spin.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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