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"The hell are we doing here?" Ben asked with visible confusion.
We stopped in front of a small DIY shop. We 'borrowed' the car after we got Ray out of jail. I was pretty confused, too. Klaus was silent most of the way. It was probably the longest I've heard him without speaking. Except when he broke his jaw.
"Some ole DIY?" Ben asked again.
"You just stay here, pumpkin." Klaus told him while he checked himself in the rear-view mirror. Then he looked at me.
"Can you wait here, too, please? It'll only take a moment. I promise I'll explain everything to you later."
He was nervous and seemed a little scared. But even though I didn't want to, the pleading in his eyes made me nod.
"Okay" I said. He gave me a quick kiss before he got out of the car and went into the shop.
"Don't do anything dumb." Ben called after him.
We sat in silence, waiting for Klaus. 
Ben didn't even last two minutes.
"I'm going in." He said before he disappeared.
"Wait-" But he was already gone.
I was about to follow them when everything around me went silent. Thanks to the performances we've been putting on for the last few years, my skills have improved. I leaned back and listened to the silence. I heard police sirens. Porcelain smashing on the ground. A screaming crowd. What they were saying was slurred, but there were a lot of them. Strange sound.  Like someone being beaten repeatedly. Not by hand. But with something.

The connection was interrupted by Klaus, who got into the car. I blinked a few times to bring myself back to reality. I threw him a confused look when I saw him get into the car and put two buckets of paint in the back seat.
"Don't ask." He sighed.
"So this is why you dragged us away from San Francisco, so you could rekindle your little Vietnam fling?" Ben asked. His disappointment in Klaus could not be overheard.
"Wait. What happened?" I asked.
"I'll tell you what. Klaus dragged us all the way here because he wanted to see his friend Dave."
"Ah, so you found him?" I asked.
"What? You knew about this?" Ben asked in disbelief.
"Of course I did. Dont be ridiculous."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He raised his voice at me. Just a little, but still. When we decided to leave our cult, Klaus said he wanted to find Dave. To help him. He said he owed him for saving his life when he landed in Vietnam, thanks to a briefcase from Cha-Cha and Hazel. That's all I needed to convince me. Dave is the reason Klaus is alive. He's the reason why we are together. I promised him I wouldn't tell Ben. He wanted to tell him himself when he was ready. And also because Ben's gonna be full of shit. Like he is now.
"Why don't you stay out of my business, Casper?" Klaus said. His hands gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. His voice dripped with frustration. Which means something went very wrong.
"Your business is my business!"
"Well, then, congratulations, because you're fired!" Klaus clapped his hands together and then started the engine.
"This is wrong, Klaus. It's selfish." Ben said. "And you should have stopped him." He said to me.
"Just stop, Ben." Klaus argued back.
"You're just gonna confuse the kid!"
"Would you stop? Damn it, listen to me." Klaus let go of the steering wheel and turned his whole body to Ben.
"When we were on leave in Saigon, Dave told me about the day he enlisted. It was the same day that Kennedy was murdered. And if you would just please leave me alone for five goddamn minutes, then maybe I could convince him not to sign up to that stupid war and maybe I could save his life!" Klaus yelled in end of his monologue. He turned back and sighed. He sounded so heartbroken and desperate, it tore my heart out.
"God damn it!" He yelled before he hit the steering wheel. I flinched a little at the movement.
"Ow" He whispered and he shook the pain out of his hand.
I know why he wanted to save Dave. But I'm a little worried about what happens if it doesn't work out.
Ben sighed. "I'm sorry." He said gently.
"Look, I don't know what happened inside. But you'll try again. And we," I pointed to Ben and me, "we'll help you if you want. Just promise me you can handle it. No matter what happens." I said.
"Yeah, yeah. I can handle it." Klaus looked at me. But there was something in his eyes. He wanted to promise and he wanted to believe it, but at the same time he didn't seem to believe what he was saying. We fell silent when we heard the wail of sirens. Police cars drove past us.  We all turned in its direction and my stomach began to twist.
"Oh, shit. Allison."

We got as close as we could. But there were already crowds everywhere. Police cars everywhere. We couldn't get through in the car, so we had to get out and walk. In the car, I filled the boys in on my premonition. When we were looking for Allison, I went with my intuition. We split up but not far enough for one of us to get into trouble. We were approaching the center of the action. Chaos everywhere. Goddamn riot. I felt something and went in the direction it was pulling me. Just in time to see Allison being held by some white guy while a cop was beating Ray with a baton.
"Allison!" I called her. Loud enough to make her stop screaming and look back. Tears were streaming down her face.
"Do it!" I yelled again. She knew exactly what I meant. It was obvious from her face. She also knew why I was telling her. She knew if she didn't listen, Ray would die.
I mindlessly ran over and shoved aside the guy holding Allison. He tried to move me out of the way, but one of the protesters knocked him away from us.
Within seconds, Allison approached the cop and grabbed his arm before he hit Ray again. Hee was forced to turn to look at her.
"I heard a rumor...that you walked away." Allison said. Her words echoed around. His eyes turned white. He dropped a baton and walked away. Allison closed her eyes for a second. When she opened them again she ran to Ray.
"Ray. Are you..are you hurt? We're okay."
"What did you say to him?" He asked her in disbelief. With panic. With fear.
"What the hell did you say to him?"
"I just told him to leave you alone."
"There ain't no way in hell that a white cop is just gonna walk away 'cause black woman tells him to."
"Ray, we don't..we don't have time for this. Come on. We gotta go! Gotta get out of here."
"Who are you?!" Ray pushed Allison away from him and started backing away from us.
The gas rolling down the streets made it hard to breathe. I started coughing. I started looking around nervously. We need to get out of here now. Staying here is dangerous. Someone grabbed my arm and I was ready to punch someone. It was Klaus, and behind him was Ben. Relief flooded my body.
We both grabbed Allison and started pulling her away. She fought back and wanted to go to Ray. But he kept backing away from her. There was no point talking to him now.
"Allison. We have to go!" Klaus pleaded again and again, until she finally let us drag her to safety.

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