How they sleep

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Ponyboy He wears a T-shirt and boxers. When he falls asleep, he never moves until he wakes up and always keeps in his side of the bed. One thing Soda has complained about is that Pony drools over his pillow. Average hours of sleep: 8

Johnny He sleeps in the clothes he wore during the day if he has to spend the night at the lot. At home he only takes off his jean jacket and his shoes. His legs are flexed so that his knees cover his chest and his arms are either wrapped around them or hidden behind. Always fetal position, since he is used to the freezing cold of the night when he has to be outside. He is very quiet and only his breathing can be heard. He wakes up when he thinks he's in danger and then stays awake the rest of the night. Average hours of sleep: 5

Dallas He only wears his boxers and sometimes his jeans too if he is too tired to bother to take them off. He might snore depending on the position he is sleeping in. He has an arm under the pillow as if someone would take it away from him. He'll accidentally kick whoever sleeps with him or tries to wake him up. Average hours of sleep: 12

Sodapop Same as Pony: T-shirt and boxers. He is like a baby. He moves in his sleep to change the side he's sleeping on and has a smile on his face. He sometimes chuckles when he's having nice dreams. Something he does that annoys Ponyboy is that he always pulls the sheets to his side, leaving Pony without any. Nothing can wake him up besides Darry or falling off the bed. Literally, he wouldn't notice if it were the end of the world. Average hours of sleep: 10

Two-Bit He sleeps naked. Completely. He doesn't care what others think and he is sure his sister won't walk in his bedroom at night. Two-Bit sleeps like he has fallen from the top of a high building, with his legs hanging from the sides and his arms covering all the space at his sides. Yeah, like a starfish. Nothing can wake him up, but he always has to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. He pulls the sheets up to his chin and falls asleep immediately. Average hours of sleep: 11

Steve He walks in his bedroom and lets himself drop onto the bed, taking off his clothes and leaving on his boxers. Although he pulls the sheets over himself before falling asleep, they end up on the floor. He kicks everything off the bed, even the pillows, and snores hard when he is sleeping with his face against the mattress. Average hours of sleep: 9

Darry He only wears boxers and maybe a white wife beater. He wakes up with every strange noise he hears and rarely snores. One thing only Soda knows is that Darry talks in his sleep. The majority of times he says something impossible to undertand or calls his parents' names. In the morning he never remembers if he's talked. Also, he gets in the mood for cuddling with his girlfriend unconsciously. He reaches for her and hugs her the whole night, not letting go. Average hours of sleep: 6

Author's note: I was so excited when I heard about The Outsiders Musical!! I need to see it now

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