Habits that annoy the rest of the gang

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Ponyboy Feels embarrassed in public with the gang and likes to show off how much he knows about a book or a movie

Johnny Never wants to talk about what happened when they see he has bruises all over when socs jump him or his father beats him up

Dallas Takes too seriously what are meant to be innocent jokes about him and might end up punching someone

Sodapop Talks too much about his current girlfriend

Two-Bit Always eats with his mouth open and cracks jokes that may hurt someone even though he does it without meaning it

Steve When a car drives by their side, he talks non-stop about the brand, how good it is, the engine, downsides, how bad the driver takes care of the car, what he would do with one like that...

Darry After a rumble he always makes comments about his muscles and having to work out harder, and criticizes the way others fought

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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