Their morning routines

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Ponyboy He doesn't stay in bed after Darry wakes him up to avoid making him mad. He usually needs 15 minutes to get ready. He takes a shower right after Darry, spends a lot of time staring at his face to check if he needs to start shaving, gets dressed and combs his hair carefully sharing the mirror with Soda. He probably flips through the newspaper or reads while having breakfast.

Johnny He needs around 5 minutes to get ready. The less the better, as he doesn't like to spend time in his own house with his parents. He showers quickly so that he doesn't get yelled at for wasting water, gets dressed and walks out of the house. He combs his hair on his way to the Curtis' house and has breakfast when he gets there.

Dallas He sleeps until very late in the morning. Time isn't a problem for him. Less if possible if he's spent the night with a girl. He has a shower, shaves and gets dressed. Dally never has breakfast. He doesn't know why, it's just that he's not hungry. At the Curtis' he'd have a piece of cake if he's in the mood.

Sodapop He is the slowest when having to get ready for work or whatever it is. He loves to take his time, usually around 45 minutes, even though he feels embarrassed when he arrives late. After Darry wakes him up, he stays in the bed and falls asleep again until either Pony or Darry shake him awake. Probably even falls on the floor after rolling out of the bed. Soda takes the longest showers ever. He takes his time to wake up and Darry has to tell him to hurry up. Then he gets dressed and takes an eternity to do his hair. Since he shares the mirror with Pony, they don't have enough room for both of them and end up pushing each other. Of course, Steve has to remind him to put on his shoes.

Two-Bit His mother wakes him up and leaves for work, but he stays in bed groggily until he realizes it's a school day. He's already late, so he doesn't really care if he doesn't rush. He has a big breakfast peacefully with the TV on, picks the first clothes he finds in his bedroom and puts them on. He does his hair and hitch hikes to school or takes his truck.

Steve When he wakes up, he tries to make the less noise possible in order not to make his father mad. He's mostly like Johnny, but he doesn't need to rush as long as he is quiet. He takes a shower, shaves and gets dressed. He has breakfast at the Curtis' or eats something at the DX.

Darry It takes him very little to do all he has to do. It normally takes less than 10 minutes for him to get ready, plus 5 if he has to prepare breakfast. Everything he does, no matter what, he does it quickly and good. 10 minutes are enough to wake up his brothers, shave, have a shower, get dressed and pack his stuff in the truck. During the time left he has while waiting for Soda to be ready, he reads the newspaper or wanders through the house.

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