([.|.. The Regretevator ..|.])

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You Mach x DrRETRO shippers are eating good tonight 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥

DrRETRO lied on the floor, her arms and legs tied together. She struggled, trying to break free from the ropes, but with no luck. How stupid she was to go alone, she should've brought Mach. Somehow, DrRETRO was able to slip up and get herself taken by surprise by MR and MRManeuver. DrRETRO looked up from her bounded arms and stared at the door being opened. She hissed at the sight of MR appearing in the room.

"DrRETRO. We can talk about this."
"What do you mean?!" She yelled "What's there to talk about?!"
"See.. I didn't just imprison those NPCs and attack everyone for no sole purpose."
"What do you mean?" DrRETRO asked, sounding more confused than afraid.
"I did it for you."

DrRETRO went quiet, just staring at MR. For her? This? Why? She wanted answers, but she couldn't quite force the questions out of her throat.

"I thought maybe if I could take over the Regretevator, you and I could rule it together.. I just wanted to make you proud."
"Well.. Uhm.. I wasn't expecting that, that's really sweet.."
"I knew you'd come arou-"
"But imprisoning NPCs and causing chaos is not okay."
"Why would It matter? You and I are the only important ones here."
"What?! Wallter, Lampert, Mark, Pest, Poob, and everyone else are all equally as important! They all have lives, MR, lives that you've put in danger."
"It's nice to see you care, but I don't."
"You're a psychopath!" DrRETRO yelled, a bright purple light flickering from her eyes.
MR simply laughed "Are you sure you want to kill yourself to kill me? What will Mach think?"
DrRETRO went silent, looking back down at her wrists tied together.

MR turned around and left, shutting the door behind him.
What would Mach think?


Mach glared angrily at MR, her hammer raised over her head. MRManeuver tore off his costume, standing behind MR for protection.

"One wrong move and this room will be as bright as a campfire."

Mach was frozen in place, her eyes darting around the room as she tried thinking of a plan. Her heart raced, the Regretevator and everyone's lives in it depended on her. Everyone was silent and refused to move, waiting for anyone else to make the first move.

"R-Red Ball Diner a-appreciates your ser-"
"ATTACK!" Mark screamed. He took out a screw driver, leaping onto MRManeuver and trying to maul him with it.
Prototype grasped Scag closer to his chest, backing away from the chaos in fear. Split did the same, staying between the two of them and the fight.

So much happened in an instant. Before Mach could snap back to her senses, the entire room was lit ablaze. Mark screamed in agony as his body caught fire. MRManeuver threw Mark off him, standing over his roasting body. Mach could feel her skin on the verge of lighting aflame, but could care less. She swung her hammer towards MR's head, just barely missing and hitting the wall.

"MARK!" Prototype yelled. He put Scag down, running into the fire and lifting up the mannequin by his arm. Split grabbed Scag. "We need to get out of here!" She said, coughing from all the smoke in the air. The four all left, fleeing into the hallway while Reddy continued to stand by the doorway, not bothering to follow. Mach however refused to leave.

As Mach's body was slowly being burnt to a crisp, she continued to fight. She tried catching MR, which to her surprise, he was really fast. MR was trapped in a corner, nowhere left to go. Mach felt her body grow weaker, she was ready collapse. She desperately tried to push on, lifting her hammer one more time before finally slamming it down on that awful rock...

MR screamed

His body shattered into thousands of pieces, looking like a normal, innocent pile of rocks. The fire around Mach went out, leaving the room cold and free of the sound of crackling fire. The smoke still lingered. Mach violently coughed, breathing heavily. It took her a long moment to finally breathe again and get over the burns. She grabbed her hammer, walking over to another locked door. Mach pressed her ear up against the door and listening before smashing down the door.

DrRETRO looked up at her in shock. "Mach?" She said "You came?" Mach quietly nodded. She kneeled down, cutting the ropes on her ankles and wrists with the sharp corner of her hammer. DrRETRO stood up, placing her hands in Mach's. "Mach, those burns look really bad.." She said, gently running her hand along one of Mach's burns. "I'll be fine." Mach shoved it off. DrRETRO hugged Mach. "I'm so glad you came." She said. Mach hugged her back, feeling extra emotional.

"DrRETRO, can I tell you something?"
"I love you."
It took a moment for DrRETRO to process, completely shocked and overjoyed.
"I love you too, Mach!"

They both brought each other in, kissing.

After a long moment, they let go of each other.
"So.. What happened? Did we win?" DrRETRO asked eagerly.
Mach nodded, smiling.
"Thank god!" DrRETRO laughed "Let's go save the others."
"Where even are they?"
"That stupid rock locked them away."
"Of course they did."

The both walked out of the room and towards another door. Mach hadn't noticed before, only realizing just now that MRManeuver's body was sprawled on the floor, motionless. Serves him right.

Mach broke down the door to reveal everyone who had disappeared all in deep conversation. They all turned to stare at Mach before Poob had yelled out "WERE SAVED!!1!" Everyone else cheered happily.

"Thank god." Pest sighed.
"Good! Remind me never to go on dangerous adventures ever again!" Emerson said.
"Too bad, that's all there is to the Regretevator." Sab responded.

Lampert and Wallter were in there too. Wallter stood up, walking over to Mach. "Thank you." He said, shaking Mach's hand in a gentleman kind of way. "Of course." On the other side of the room,Lampert was being smothered with Infected's affection. "1 T0ld y0u w3'd m@K3 1t 0Ut aL1v3!" Infected said to him. "Ughh.. Alright alright! Stop hugging me so tight.." Lampert mumbled, blushing.

They all left the room, leaving the room entirely abandoned and scarred with burns.
To be a forgotten memory.

If Mach learned one thing today, that would have to be,

Never underestimate the Regretevator.

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