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I simply don’t remember a time where I didn’t have a controller in my hand. I was either watching my dad scream at Call Of Duty or my mothers hunched back while she played the Sims. When I was old enough, about seven years old, I experienced my first game: Mario Sunshine.
I beat it in two days.
No manual, no help from my parents. I breezed through the game three times before my parents bought me the predecessor to the game, Mario 64. I beat that one in three, which my parents rejoiced over.
No game I held in my hand lasted a week.
Now when I play games, I enjoy them. I take my time with the story, exploring the world and learning all there is to know. There’s not a nook I don’t see, not a cranny I don’t spot. If I really enjoy the game, I buy the DLC’s and do the same.
That’s why I’ve enjoyed Borderlands 2 and the Dishonored games so much!
Ah, Dishonored. When the game came out in 2012, when I was 12, the ending song had me in a chokehold. I played it over and over just so I could sing along.
I learned soon after that if I held enough air in my diaphragm, I could hold a note reeeeally long. So I showed my mom, who showed my choir teacher, who showed the theater director.
Everything in life feels like it’s happened for a reason. I had to beat Sunshine in two days so I could realize my love for video games. With my love for video games, I discovered Dishonored, which helped me learn I could sing.
So why am I still working for Aspen Caspian?
Easy. He’s the best challenge yet.

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