Birthday! (m)

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Travis had been planning this night for weeks. It was Taylor's birthday, and he wanted to celebrate it in style. He had chosen a fancy restaurant in the city's heart, and they arrived hand-in-hand, laughing and chatting as they made their way through the crowded entrance.

"Taylor! Taylor! Taylor, are you expecting?" 

"Taylor! Travis! Are you engaged?" 

"Travis, are you retiring to become a backup dancer for Taylor?" 

The paparazzi quickly swarmed them, flashing their cameras and shouting questions about their personal lives. 

Accustomed to the attention, Taylor smiled and waved, a picture of grace under pressure. Always the protective boyfriend, Travis attempted to shield her from the barrage of questions with a playful grin, his body language indicating his love and care for her.

As the Hostess led them to their reserved table, Taylor's family rose from their seats to hug them each and kiss on the cheek. The restaurant was bathed in soft, warm lighting and adorned with fresh flowers. The tantalizing aroma of the food filled the air, teasing their senses and making their stomachs rumble in anticipation.

The waiter approached the table and poured a glass of champagne for each of them. "To Taylor and another wonderful year," Scott said, raising his glass. They all clinked glasses, wishing her a happy birthday before sipping. The bubbly champagne tickled Taylor's throat, sending a warm glow through her body.

As they savored their appetizers, her father chuckled, "Do you remember when she insisted on wearing a cowboy hat everywhere, even to ballet class?"

Taylor blushed and played with her food.  "Oh no, Dad. Why are you telling him that?"

Travis just laughed, "That's adorable. I can picture it."

Taylor's mother said, "And what about the time she saved up all her allowance to buy a guitar and then taught herself how to play?"

Taylor smiled, "That's true. I was so proud of myself."

As the night wore on, the conversation inevitably turned to her love of music. Taylor's parents spoke of how she had been enrolled in piano lessons and singing classes and had even driven hours to audition for a community theater production when she was eight.

Taylor ordered a seafood dish for her main course, while Travis opted for a juicy steak. The food arrived steaming hot, and they all dug in eagerly. The flavors were exquisite, and the conversation grew lively as they enjoyed their meal.

Throughout the meal, Travis kept glancing over at Taylor's parents with a look of gratitude and respect. Finally, he leaned in toward them and said, "I just want to take a moment to thank you both for raising Taylor into the incredible woman she is today. And, of course, for doing the dirty thirty-four years ago."

Taylor's mom and dad blushed, embarrassed and touched by his words. Taylor kicked him under the table, but he just smirked at her.

"What? Soon enough, they will be thanking us for doing the deed for their grandchildren," Travis joked.

Austin, Taylor's brother, couldn't help but chime in with a playful remark. "Ew, why would you say that, dude?" he laughed. "I don't wanna hear that."

Everyone at the table laughed, including Travis, who glanced at Taylor sideways, grinning sheepishly.

As the dessert, a decadent chocolate cake with a single candle, was placed before her, Travis leaned in close, whispering in her ear. 'You know, every word I said was true,' he confessed.

Taylor's cheeks flushed, and she found herself lost in his deep blue eyes, her heart pounding in her chest. With his off-key voice, the waiter began to sing 'Happy Birthday,' and the table joined in. Taylor blew out the candle in one breath, her wish already granted.

As they finished their dessert and coffee, Taylor felt a wave of love and appreciation. Her loved ones surrounded her, and she couldn't help but feel this was one of the best birthdays yet. They laughed and chatted late into the night, enjoying each other's company and the restaurant's warmth.

As they left the restaurant, arm in arm, Taylor turned to Travis and said, "Thank you for making this the most special birthday ever. I love you."

Travis smiled and squeezed her hand. "Anything for you, my love."

Travis's sleek sports car hugged the winding road as they drove through the countryside. The wind whipped through their hair as they laughed and shared stories, enjoying the thrill of the ride. With her hand clasped in his, they leaned in close to whisper secrets and share giggles, the warmth of their bodies creating a cozy haven within the car.

As they turned onto the street leading to her house, the moon emerged from behind a cloud, casting a soft glow over their surroundings. The moonlight transformed the familiar sight of her neighborhood, the houses and trees bathed in a gentle silver light.

Finally, they pulled into the driveway, the engine purring contentedly as Travis turned off the car. They sat there for a moment, savoring the moment, lost in the magic of the night. The moonlight illuminated their faces, casting a romantic glow over the scene before carefully entering her house. 

As soon as the front door slammed shut, he leaned close to her, his breath warm against her ear, and whispered, "I can't wait to get you out of these clothes." 

Taylor shivered deliciously, her skin tingling where he touched her. Travis nuzzled her neck, his lips brushing against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. She could feel the heat emanating from his body, the hardness of him pressing against her. The alcohol coursing through her veins seemed to heighten every sensation, making her want him even more. She wanted him to take her right here. She wanted to feel his weight bearing down on her, his breath hot against her skin, his fingers digging into her flesh.

Her breath hitched as he slowly undid the buttons of her blouse, revealing more and more of her supple breasts. She arched her back, offering herself to him, wanting him to continue. He cupped her breasts in his hands, his thumbs brushing against her nipples, which had already hardened. She moaned, her hips moving involuntarily against his. He leaned in, his lips finding her nipple, sucking it into his mouth, teasing it with his tongue.

She felt herself growing wetter, more desperate for him. She reached down, unbuttoning his pants, freeing his erection. She wrapped her hand around him, feeling his heat and strength in her palm. She stroked him gently, up and down, matching her movements to the rhythm of his tongue on her nipple. She could feel herself growing wetter, her need for him becoming almost painful.

Travis broke away from her nipple, his breath hot against her ear. "Taylor," he groaned, his voice thick with desire. "I need you." He lifted her in his arms, carrying her over to the bed. She felt the softness of the mattress against her back as he lowered her down, positioning himself between her legs. His hands gripped her hips, pulling her closer, and then he was inside her, filling her up.Their hips moved together, a synchronized dance of desire and need. Taylor arched her back, meeting each of his thrusts with a moan. She could feel him deep inside her, their bodies becoming one. She reached up, tangling her fingers in his hair, urging him to go harder. He obliged, his movements growing more urgent, more intense. The air in the room seemed to crackle with the intensity of their passion.

As they fell onto the mattress, their lips never leaving each other's, Taylor felt a sense of relief and release wash over her. Travis's touch was gentle yet firm, urgent but not demanding. It was as if he knew exactly what she needed, what would make her feel loved and desired. And in that moment, she knew that she had found her perfect match.

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