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The bar's dim lights flickered, casting a warm, inviting glow across the room. Taylor and her friends burst through the door, their laughter filling the air. Taylor, dressed in a figure-hugging black dress that accentuated her curves, scanned the bar. At first, she thought she was hallucinating, but she looked, and there, in the corner of her eye, was Travis—Travis Kelce—her high school sweetheart, who had broken her heart all those years ago.

He looked good. Much to her dismay, he had not turned into one of those balding 24-year-old men. His broad shoulders and toned arms were visible even through his casual button-down shirt, and his dark hair was styled in a messy way that only seemed to emphasize his rugged good looks. But despite his obvious appeal, she couldn't shake the bitterness of hurt and betrayal lingering in her heart. She hadn't seen him since the day he'd left her standing in the rain, promising her that they were better off apart.

Tonight, however, was not about him. It was about her and her friends and the fun they would have. Ignoring the pang of jealousy that shot through her chest when she noticed how one girl looked at Travis, Taylor focused on enjoying herself, ordering drinks, and dancing to the upbeat music. But try as she might, she couldn't help but feel Travis's gaze burning a hole through her back, and the more she felt it, the more she wanted to confront him, to ask him why he'd left her in the first place. Pushing her emotions down further, she turned her attention back to her friends and laughed lightly as they joked around. Her best friend, Blake's boyfriend, Ryan, started telling a story that made her snort her drink out in laughter. He handed her a napkin and gently tugged her into a hug.

Meanwhile, Travis watched as he assumed to be her new boyfriend hug her, his grip tightening ever so slightly on his drink, a flash of jealousy coursing through him. He remembered how possessive he'd felt back in high school, always wanting to be the one to make her laugh or to hold her close. Seeing her with someone else now only served to reawaken those feelings, making him wonder if he'd made a mistake letting her go all those years ago. Travis couldn't help but feel a pang of longing for the girl he'd once loved so deeply. Her smile was just as beautiful as he remembered, and her laughter still had the power to make his heart skip a beat. Before he realized it, he was standing at her table, clearing his throat, trying to gather the courage to speak.

 "Hey, Tay," he said softly, his voice rough with emotion. "How've you been?"

Taylor hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to share any details with him. Finally, she decided on a version of the truth that wouldn't hurt too much. 

"I've been doing pretty well, actually. I went to college, got a degree, started a career...you know, the usual." She smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

Travis nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. "That's good to hear, Tay. I'm happy for you." He paused, looked around, and then leaned in closer to her. "Look, I'm sorry about how things ended between us. I was a jerk, and I've regretted it ever since. If I can do anything to make it up to you..." He trailed off.

Taylor felt her heart skip a beat at the sincerity in his voice, and she couldn't help but wonder if things could have been different between them. She bit her lip, debating whether or not to accept his apology. 

"It's okay, Travis. It was a long time ago. Plus, you weren't the only guy to treat me badly" She forced a smile, hoping he wouldn't take her words the wrong way.

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