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Chapter 6 - Pizza?

But all good things must come to an end, Jesse finally broke the silence. "We should probably head back," he said, his voice reluctant "I'm getting hungry"

"Yeah," I agreed, pushing myself up to a sitting position. My head still felt hazy from the joint, but the worst of the effects had faded. Jesse got up too, stretching his arms above his head. His shirt lifted slightly, giving me a brief glimpse of his toned abs. I quickly averted my eyes, my cheeks heating up.

We began to pack up our things, me putting on my clothes, the task feeling oddly mundane after the events of the morning. As we folded the blanket, I noticed a figure approaching from a distance. It was Monique, her silhouette illuminated by the soft glow of the sun poking up from behind the trees.

"Hey guys," she called out, a wide grin on her face. Trent trailed behind her, his hands in his pockets. "What's up?"

"We were just packing up," Jesse replied, his voice casual. "Thought we should head back before we starve."

Monique nodded in agreement, her gaze drifting towards me. "You okay, Mal?" she asked.

"Yeah," I answered, managing a small smile. "Just still out of it."

Monique gave me an understanding nod, her eyes soft. "It takes a bit to build a tolerance to"

"I'll drive Jesse, I don't trust you at the wheel when you are baked" Trent said calmly. Jesse didn't protest.

As we piled back into the car, I found myself in the back seat with Jesse. Our shoulders brushed against each other as Trent navigated the car back onto the main road. The silence in the car was comfortable, each one of us lost in our own thoughts.

"Pizza?" Jesse piped up from next to me.

I was starving.

Everyone in the car agreed with a chorus of "yes" and "hell yeah". Trent adjusted the rearview mirror to look at us in the backseat. "What do you think, Mal? Pizza sound good?"

I nodded, still feeling a little dazed, but the thought of food was appealing. "Yeah, pizza sounds great."

Jesse grinned beside me, his eyes lighting up at the prospect of food.

The drive to Pizza King was a blur, the colors of the passing scenery blending together in a whirl of greens and blues. Trent and Monique chatted in the front seat, their voices just a soft murmur in the background.

Jesse slung an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer. I leaned into his warmth, a sense of comfort washing over me. The tension from earlier seemed to dissipate, replaced with the pleasant buzz from the joint and the anticipation of food.

Once we arrived at Pizza King, Trent pulled into a parking space, cutting the engine. Jesse quickly opened the door and jumped out, practically sprinting towards the entrance. Monique laughed as she followed him, her laughter ringing out in the quiet parking lot.

Trent walked to the back door opening it for me, his eyes soft. "You ready?" he asked, offering me a hand. I took it, letting him help me out of the van.

Inside, the smell of freshly baked pizza hit me, making my stomach grumble. Jesse was already at the counter, chatting animatedly with the girl behind the counter. The girl blushing.

Trent and I sat at a booth in the corner, the worn vinyl seat surprisingly comfortable. Jesse and Monique were engaged in a heated debate about the best pizza toppings, their voices filling the restaurant. Trent sat across from me, his arm resting on the back of the booth.

"I hope you like hanging out with us" Trent said casually.

"I do," I replied, looking over at Jesse and Monique who were now arguing about whether pineapple belonged on pizza. "You guys are fun."

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