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Chapter 8 - Soda

Stirring from a fragmented sleep, I was momentarily disoriented, forgetting that I had ended up sleeping in Penny's room. The events of the previous day felt like they were a distant memory, my heart burdened by the stinging reprimand from my mother. I had never thought my rebellious behavior would lead to being kicked out from my own house.

Quietly, I got out of bed, carefully tiptoeing towards the bathroom. My aim was to sneak in a shower before Trent and Jane were up and about.

As I stepped into the bathroom, my eyes fell on the black towel, a remnant of my recent hair dyeing episode. Without wasting any more time, I quickly turned on the hot water, ready for a soothing shower.

The steam quickly filled the small bathroom, clouding the mirror. I stripped off my clothes and stepped into the scalding shower, letting it wash away the remnants of my troubled sleep. The heat made my skin tingle, but it was a welcome distraction from the turmoil inside my head.

I stood under the stream, letting the water cascade over my body. I closed my eyes, trying to forget yesterday's events, trying to forget my mother's harsh words, trying to forget the fact that I was now homeless. But it was easier said than done.

The memory of the passionate kiss I shared with Jesse swamped my thoughts. I wondered about our future interactions, the prom, and if I could even afford the lavish event.

The sudden opening of the bathroom door snapped me back to reality. My heart leapt into my throat as I whirled around, clutching the shower curtain closer to my exposed body.

"Damn," Trent muttered, clearly taken aback. He rubbed his eyes before acknowledging my presence.

Panic surged through me - I was stark naked! The shower curtain, while somewhat opaque, didn't provide much privacy.

"Trent!!" I shrieked, my voice reverberating off the bathroom tiles. A thud and a flurry of curses followed as Trent stumbled back, making a hasty exit from the bathroom. The door slammed shut behind him, leaving me alone in the shower, my heart thundering in my chest.

I took a few deep breaths, trying to calm down. My mind was racing, thoughts tumbling over each other in a chaotic mess. I quickly finished my shower, hating every second of the vulnerability. I hurriedly dried off and wrapped the pink stained towel around myself, stepping out of the shower and into the steam-filled bathroom.

I opened the door a crack, peeking out to see if Trent was still there. The coast was clear, so I tiptoed back to Penny's room, clutching my towel tightly around myself. Once inside, I quickly got dressed, pulling on my clothes I bought yesterday, using Monique's jacket I borrowed.

I gazed into the mirror, taking a moment to collect myself. The reflection of the young woman before me was a testament to my desires, but the price of losing my home weighed heavily on my mind. Was this newfound identity truly worth it?

With a sense of determination, I gathered my school supplies and packed them into my backpack. Exiting the room, I descended the stairs, scanning the area for any sign of Trent.

Curiosity led me to explore further, eventually finding my way to the kitchen. There, I spotted Trent pouring himself a cup of hot water. He looked up, surprised by my presence, and offered a sheepish smile.

"Hey, sorry about earlier," he said, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. "I didn't mean to intrude."

I nodded, still feeling a bit flustered from the encounter. "It's okay, just... I think I forgot to lock the door" I replied, trying to keep my tone light. Feeling my face blush, thinking that he might have seen me naked.

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