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Abigail's eyes stare at me in complete confusion and equal parts shock. Her gaze seeming to be stuck on my legs.

"How? When? Is this? Do you need? Where's Todd? Do you need help?" She stutters out all at once without a breath or break.

I shake my head with a chuckle, inhaling a deep breath before shuffling my foot one step closer into the room.

"Lando?" She cries out.

"I'm okay" I assure her, struggling to keep a balance between wanting to keep a strong eye on her, showing off and needing to keep focused in not collapsing right here on the the floor.

Slowly, I make my way over to her, where she also struggles to pull herself up further into the bed.

"I cannot believe this" she gasps.

Finally as I make my way to the bed, I'm relieved to have arrived as I settle myself down by her.

"Hi" I whisper, reaching my hand up to cradle her cheek, using the pad of my thumb to wipe the rebel tear from her face.

"Hi" she replies with a sniffled smile.

"I feel like I have so much to tell you, but I can't think of anything to say right now" I admit to her. Wishing that I was able to get as close to her as I'm aching too right now.

She shakes her head, "no it's okay. You're here. That's all that matters to me right now" she gushes.

"How are you feeling? Are you in any pain?" I ask her, cupping her face now in both my hands.

"No" she shakes her head within my grip, "no pain. A little light headed but I'm okay"

Her eyes search mine as she speaks, a distant look to them that worries me, however, I'm no doctor and can't imagine the side effects of what she's just gone through.

"You make sure you tell me how you're feeling okay. If you start to feel any differently, good or bad, I need you to tell me"

Her face transforms to guilt, "I know. I'm sorry"

And then I remember.

She didn't tell me.

She didn't say anything.

She had Doctor Luthum lie to us.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I whisper, my hands falling from her skin and my gaze dropping from hers.

"I didn't want you to worry" she replies.

The frustration rolls through me. "How can you say that? How can you just keep me in the dark like that? I thought... I thought we were"

"We are" she pipes in, grasping onto my hand.

"You lied to me" I repeat.

"It won't happen again." She promises. And I'm realising this isn't the time for this conversation.

"Do you need anything? Can I get you anything?" I ask, changing the subject.

"No" she replies coldly. "I'm fine"

We spend the next hour or two just chatting, talking about some of the most ludicrous subjects and we spend time both laughing until it hurts, and shedding tears for times gone wrong. But through it all, I realise just how incredibly in love with this woman I am.

I'm nestled in beside her now, her head buried in my chest as we do whatever possible to be as close to each other as we can.

Her fingers are tracing lines on my arm, up and down the skin, creating goosebump trails in her path.

"I had this vision" she begins, "I'm not sure when it was, I wasn't sure how long I had been down until I'd woken up, but, it was as clear as day"

I turn my head, placing a kiss on-top of her head before tightening my grip around her.

"We were in Scotland" she begins.

"Scotland?" I repeat with a gasp.

"Shh" she hushes, "let me say this. We were in Scotland and were in this field in Edinburgh, a garden of some sort, we were together and we were.. happy" she hesitates.

"I'd like to think we were happy" I mock, "why do you sound so displeased by it?"

She chuckles unconvincingly. "Because you were walking, and I was, free and not in any discomfort"

"What's wrong with that?" I chuckle.

Her head moves against me in a shake, "nothing. I just didn't think it was possible" she shifts so she's now facing me, "until now."

Tilting my head down, I reclaim her lips for what felt like the first time in forever. Her warm breath falling across my mouth as she breaths into me.

When I fell her hand reach up, claiming my head against hers, I feel a flourish deep in me, although an inappropriate place, I urged to be close to Abigail.

Parting my lips from hers, I keep my head pressed against hers, wanting just to freeze time and hold this moment.

"I love you, Abigail Newman"

Ours eyes search others from a close distance, forming every crevice of each other, sharing a breath and clutching at the others skin.

"What?" She whispers.

Moving just an inch back so I'm able to see her more clearly, "I said. I love you, Abigail Newman. And I have for the longest time"

Her breath hitches, and I'm relieved to see a smile on her face, "I love you too, Lando Norris"

Every single inch of my melts before grasping back tightly onto her jaw and bringing my mouth completely over hers, salvaging every inch of her with my tongue.

"Uh um" a cough clears at the doorway.

"Oh" I gasp, parting immediately from Abi. "Doctor Luthum"

A playful smirk appears in the corner of his lips, "hello you two" he chimes.

"Hi Doctor" Abigail sweetens beside me.

"Good to see you two have been reacquainted"

Abigail and I share an amused glance at each other.

"How are you feeling, Miss Newman?" Doctor Luthum asks.

"I'm feeling okay" she responds, shifting slightly in my grip.

"Slightly lightheaded" I added.

Doctor Luthum shares a glance at me before returning to Abigail.

"That's to be expected" he smiles, glancing at her chart. "I'll be taking you down to have another CT scan soon."

With a nod he exits the room and I can feel the tension in the room. And every sense of it tells me I'm in trouble.

"What have I done?" I ask her.

"I don't need you answering for me" she grumbles, pushing herself out of my grip.


RACE WINNER BABY!!!!!!! I'm still not over Lando winning the Miami GP!!! And I don't think I'm ever going too!!!!

I can't believe it!! He did soooo good!!! And he was so so so so bloody deserving!!!

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