Chapter Seven: House Warm

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Axel unlocks the door to his home and steps inside, his head hanging in shame. He knows his home is littered with broken furniture, burst blood bags resulting in blood splattered all over the floor and walls. He walks to his unmade bed and sits down. Stellen follows him behind him, walking around slowly, examining everything.

"Your Majesty, Stellan, please forgive the mess. I wasn't anticipating anyone coming over."

Stellan waves a hand, dismissing Axel's words. Axel picks up a pillow and fluffs it, unsure with what to do with himself as Stellan continues his in-depth inspection. Stellan stops at Axel's large windows overlooking the street behind the pizzeria. Stella unlatches the window and slides it open, a gush of cold, fresh air filling the space. Axel inhales deeply and the air is icy wrapping around his lungs.

"You'll find that the further you progress the cold will become your friend. It will help ease symptoms somewhat but you know how dangerous the cold can be for a vampire so bear that in mind."

Axel merely nods, still fluffing the pillow. He doesn't look up as Stellan sits down beside him, his thin mattress dipping with the weight. Stellan reaches across and lays a hand over Axel's. Axel falls still and he dares to look at Stellan. Stellan has kind eyes, soft creases around them as he smiles. The air around him is calm and quiet. Axel swallows down.

"I sometimes believe that even nature must bow to authority. It is some kind divinity, being the king and for so long. I have seen countless of our kind regress with the Illness. It breaks my heart everytime. I lost my own family. Best friend. He may not have said anything, Axel, but even Raurlin's father, months ago, succumbed to the Illness. He understands and you rest assured that Soraya will be taken care of. No one is going to take her from you but you cannot be alone with her."

"I understand. I never meant to hurt's just..."

Stellan eases the pillow from Axel's hands and he throws it onto the bed behind them. Axel feels bare, unsure of what to do with his trembling fingers or where to settle his throbbing eyes. He looks back at Stellan who is still watching him with the softness and calmness only a king could muster in such a circumstance.

"You are not to blame, Axel. The Illness is an attack on sanity, control, and reality. I assure you that Soraya will know that the actions are not of your own volition."

"What will happen Stellan? How much longer do I have? You've seen this countless times. You know, please don't spare my feelings. I need to know the truth."

Stellan stands up and walks to the window, tucking his hands behind his back. "You will experience delusions next Axel. Your mind may find itself trapped reliving memories. Sometimes they are good, sometimes they are the bad ones we try to hide from. It will overcome you. You will not be able to distinguish reality from these delusions but for a few moments in between. Your body will begin rejecting nourishment. You will find it difficult to eat. You will not be able to be alone, as you are now. You will become frail and weak. You will need constant care."

Axel clenches down hard on his teeth, battling back tears. "And then what?" He insists.

"You will fall into delirium, your anger will surpass all that we once knew of you. You will become violent, attacking and savage, relying solely on instinct. And our instinct is and has always been kill or be killed. You will be restrained and sedated and once the sedation no longer works, that's when I will be called. I'm sure you understand what is meant by that."

"Yes. But then what will become of me? How will you do it? How will I know? Will I know?"

Stellan turns to face him, his face void of emotion. "Some know, at the end, they know it's me and they know that it is about to happen. I will remove your heart and it will be burned. The ashes will be given to Soraya, in some cases beheading is also necessary, a breaking of the spine. You and Soraya must decide how you want to be...we cannot leave corpses buried, scattered across the Earth for just anyone to find. So I will burn your body. On a pier or down a river, you will decide."

Axel cannot stop the tears now as he nods, dropping his chin to his chest with a ragged inhale. "You haven't told me how long I have, Stellan."

Stellan folds his arms across his chest. "I typically do not like to place a time on it all. It's different between people. No one case is the same but I can estimate based on the symptoms and the progression of the symptoms. If you tell me, honestly, the symptoms and the extent then I will be able to estimate how much time you have left, Axel."

Axel battles back a sob, his chest tightening painfully. He inhales and exhales sharply a few times, gathering the strength to find the words. "My skin is on fire, constantly crawling. It feels like it's alive, outside of me, moving on its own, trying to pull off of me. I am constantly hot, feverish, the heat is constantly wrapping around me, enclosing me." Axel motions around his neck with his trembling hands. He holds his hands forward, looking up at Stellan. "I can't stop the shaking, I feel like I'm on the brink of a seizure persistently." Axel pauses, catching his breath. "I can't stomach anything, no food, no blood. I don't know when I last fed. I'm hungry and angry." Axel can feel himself lift his hands to his ears, bracing for the whispers. Stellan's frown causes him to drop his hands.

Stellan walks to him intently and he drops onto his haunches in front of Axel, taking hold of his hands and holding fierce eye contact. "Axel, you must be honest. You cannot leave anything out. I need to know it all. I need to know how best to care for you. I am your king, at your service. Please allow me to be of service."

Axel cannot hold back the sob that has been concealed in his chest. He knows he's shouting but he cannot help himself as the words spill from his lips. "The whispers, Stellan! The whispers are the worst! It's gnawing at me, quiet then growing louder and louder until the voices are screaming. My ears burn, they bleed. I claw at them and I cannot help myself. They attack me when I least expect it, pulling me from my sleep." Axel motions to the space around him, the blood stains and wrecked furniture. "This is the result," he admits solemnly. "And now the night terrors. There's a man standing over me and when I reach out to him he disappears into a cloud of smoke, appearing again as a fox, snarling and baring its teeth at me. Then I am in a dungeon, my legs stuck in place, unable to move and I can hear screaming and begging all around me." Axel looks at Stellan wide eyed and begging for answers.

Stellan's face is blank and Axel can feel a burst of anger growing inside himself. He pulls free from Stellan and stands up, pacing, running his hands roughly through his hair. He is tempted to throw his last standing coffee table against the brick wall in front of him. The silence between him and his king is palpable as Stellan eases onto the bed, leaning forward, resting his elbows on his thighs. Axel falls still with a loud inhale. The silence. There's silence. He spins to face Stellan.

"Stellan, the silence, there's silence!"

Stellan smiles slowly at Axel and states "I did tell you that I believe even nature must bow to authority. This is why I need to know the extent of your symptoms. I will be going away to see about a burial for one of our fallen. But when I return home I will make periodic visits. You will find that these visits will ease the symptoms initially for a while."

"And what will I do in your absence?" Axel demands, walking to where Stellan is sitting.

"Survive. You will survive. You won't be going anywhere before I get back and long still even when I am back. I will speak to Raurlin and ensure your visits, supervised, with your niece. Axel, I swear it by the Gods, Soraya is in good hands, receiving the best care. There is no safer place for her in the world than where she is."

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Stellan pats his knees and stands up with a "well then."

Axel turns to face him. "Thank you...for today...if I may ask that you allow me to know when you are leaving and when you will be back."

Stellan nods his head, "I am not leaving right now, Axel. I will help you tidy up."

Axel shakes his head quickly, "I could never-"

"- I insist," Stellan interrupts with a smile. "And I'm sure you would appreciate a shower, some blood and a rest. Allow me to help you with all of these things before I go Axel. The longer I am with you, the longer the effects of the Illness will be at bay." 

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