Ch 47 "±¹⁸"

72 6 38

Third Person's POV:

4 years later,

The roar of engines filled the air as the racers lined up on the grid, their eyes fixed on the track ahead, adrenaline coursing through their veins. The tension was palpable as they awaited the signal to start, each rider mentally preparing for the grueling battle ahead.

The red lights illuminated, one by one, before finally extinguishing in a blaze of green. The bikes erupted into action, hurtling down the straightaway with lightning speed. The pack jostled for position, each rider pushing the limits of their machines and their own skills.

Kim Taehyung revved his engine, the roar of his motorcycle echoed through the air, vibrating against the walls of his helmet. The MotoGP World Championship circuit stretched out before him, a maze of turns and tracks winding through the landscape like a serpent.

Hot on his heels was his fierce rival, Alejandro Hernandez, determined to snatch victory from Taehyung's grasp.

Taehyung leaned into the curves, feeling the G-forces pulling him towards the track, his heart raced with exhilaration. The rush of adrenaline surged through his veins, his senses heightened.

The audience watched in awe from the stands, their cheers and applause blending with the whine of engines as the racers tore down the asphalt.

Among them, the host narrated the action with infectious enthusiasm, his voice booming over the speakers as he praised the bikers for their bravery and skill."Look at that! Last year champion Kim Taehyung is again in full swing, will he able to maintain his title of Speed monster!"

As they raced lap after lap, the tension mounted. Taehyung's lead was narrowing, Hernandez pushing harder with each passing moment. But Taehyung refused to yield, his focus unbreakable as he fought to maintain his position at the front of the pack.

The wind whipped against his body, his helmet offering little protection from the rush of air as he hurtled towards the finish line.

With the checkered flag in sight, Taehyung summoned every ounce of skill and determination he possessed. He powered through the final corners, the roar of the crowd echoing in his ears as he crossed the finish line in a blaze of glory.

Victory was his once again, for the 2nd time in his three year career, the championship is within his grasp. 

MotoGP wasn't just a world championship for him—it was his passion, his lifeblood, and he was determined to leave his mark on the world stage.

Taehyung waved at the cheering audience, a victorious smile gracing his lips as he removed his helmet, the rush of adrenaline still coursing through his veins.

Beside him, Alejandro brought his bike to a halt, swiftly removing his own helmet, his glare fixed on Taehyung with competitiveness.

Sensing someone's presence, Taehyung turned to him, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. Alejandro's expression was serious at first, but then a smile broke through. They exchanged a high five, the camaraderie between them evident despite the fierce rivalry on the track.

"That was an amazing match, Kim," Alejandro acknowledged, his tone laced with respect.

Taehyung shrugged nonchalantly, a hint of arrogance creeping into his voice. "Of course, after all, you are competing with me," he replied, his confidence unshakeable.

Despite their competitive banter, there was a mutual understanding between Taehyung and Alejandro. They had met for the first time in college, their initial encounter marked by a heated argument that seemed to set the tone for their relationship.

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