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Third Person's POV:

Taehyung settled himself at the chair, Kevin shot him a glare that could have frozen hell over. "Sorry I'm late, what did I miss?" Taehyung inquired, trying to diffuse the tension with a casual tone.

"An invitation," Kevin retorted, his tone dripping with annoyance as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Taehyung couldn't help but snicker at his friend's irritation, wrapping an arm around Kevin's neck in a playful gesture. "Now I need an invitation to join my best friend?" he teased, flashing a mischievous grin.

Kevin shrugged Taehyung's hand off his shoulder, his gaze fixed firmly on the woman seated across from him. She offered a soft, awkward smile when their eyes met, her cheeks flushing into soft pink hue.

Turning his attention back to Taehyung, Kevin's eyes narrowed with a hint of suspicion. "I'm in a freaking date with my fiancée, and when did you return to DC?" he demanded, his tone bordering on accusatory.

Taehyung huffed in response, leaning back in his chair with an air of nonchalance. "Just yesterday," he replied, trying to downplay the significance of his sudden appearance.

Glancing at the woman again, Taehyung extended his hand with a charming smile. "Hi, Ms... umm..." he trailed off, his expression playful as he awaited her response.

The woman bit her lip, clearly feeling awkward under Taehyung's gaze. Before she could reply, however, Kevin was quick to intervene, jerking Taehyung's hand away from hers and clasping it possessively in his own.

"Ms. Claire, soon to be Mrs. Kane?" Kevin interjected smoothly, his tone laced with a hint of possessiveness that Taehyung found both surprising and amusing.

It was a side of his friend that he had rarely seen, except perhaps when it came to his prized collection of expensive French perfume.

Taehyung removed his hands from Kevin's, a small sigh of relief escaped Kevin's lips as he rolled his eyes, clearly exasperated by his friend.

After a few moments of lighthearted chit-chat, the sound of heels clicking against the floor caught Taehyung's attention. His smile immediately widened as he turned his head to the source, rising from his chair and walking towards the approaching figure.

"Sorry for being so late, Tae," Jude apologized softly as she approached.

Taehyung waved off her apology with a casual shrug, his gaze never leaving her face. "That's fine. Kev was giving me company anyways," he replied nonchalantly, ignoring the glare that Kevin shot his way for interrupting his date.

Jude's surprise was evident as she glanced behind Taehyung, her eyes widening in realization. "Kevin is here?" she asked, her voice tinged with shock.

Kevin couldn't help but smile warmly at her reaction before turning his attention back to his fiancée, who was now shyly looking down at her empty plate. His heart swelled with affection as he watched her.

Meanwhile, Taehyung took Jude's hand in his own, intertwining their fingers as he gently dragged her back towards the table.

Jude waved her hand in greeting, Kevin's smile widened in response. "Long time no see, J," he greeted warmly, his eyes sparkling with fondness.

Jude's gaze flickered towards the woman sitting beside Kevin, curiosity evident in her expression. Sensing her unspoken question, Kevin cleared his throat, breaking the silence as he introduced Claire. "This is Claire, my fiancée," he explained, his tone tinged with pride.

Jude's eyes widened in surprise at the revelation. "You're getting married? Weren't you single like a year ago?" she exclaimed, unable to hide her astonishment.

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