Bubble Method

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(!Before you read! I made this method up some time ago, but I'm not sure if there's something similar out there already - if there is, i apologise in advance as i did not come across anything.)


Get ready to shift
(do your routine, finish work so you're stress free, remove distractions, eat & drink something if you feel the need to, etc.)

Lay/Sit down in a comfortable position & put on your favourite subliminal
(i would also recommend meditating beforehand, but it is completely up to you and not at all necessary!)

Count up from 1 to 50 or 100-ish
(Or further, just until you feel focused, or at least relaxed enough - feel free to skip this step though, if you're not much of a fan of counting.)

(Main part - visualization part)

Imagine standing somewhere that's comfortable to you. Like a meadow, a forest, the city, a lake - anything

Then imagine yourself walking around that area, looking around and really taking everything in
(Feel free to affirm while doing so)

Now imagine yourself comin to a halt, spotting something on the ground.

You go to pick it up, discovering it to be some bubbles (the thing with the soapy water you blow on to make bubbles appear)

You study its appearance.
(How big is it? What shape? Does it have one of those fun maze games in the cap? Is it wrapped in something? If yes, what? And what color? Is it a particular design?)

Then you decide to look at the ingredients list. But the more you look at it, the more you can recognise- there's no ingredients. On the bottle, in small writing, are affirmations and anything important to your DR/ wherever you're shifting to.

When you're done looking at it, you uncap the bubbles and take it out, blowing on the thingy and making bubbles. You look at them for a while.

Imagine some of the bottles holding unpleasant thoughts/memories, and some holding pleasant thoughts/memories, no matter if they are related to your DR or not.

Note that the "negative bubbles" seem to pop after just a few seconds, relieving you of their pressure and stress, while the "positive bubbles" surround you in a happy dance, making you feel comfortable and secure.

Stay in that scenario for as long as you need to.

When you are done, open your eyes (in your mind) and say something along the lines of:

"My friends. It has been great fun, dwelling alongside you, but i must go home now."

Imagine the bubbles giving you happy, child like giggles, before all of them float just a little bit before you, morphing into one large bubble that can easily contain you.

Imagine yourself smiling softly, stepping towards the giant bubble and carefully touching it. You can see a blue(f/c), shining silhouette of your DR self in a reflecfion,  seemingly made of more hundreds of tiny bubbles stuck together in a cluster.

The bubble you has their eyes closed in a calm, peaceful expression, hands on the inner surface of the giant bubble, like a gateway into it.

As your hand(s) (doesn't matter if both or one hand) come to rest on the bubble's outer surface, have them meet with your DR selfs bubble hands, and push gently into the surface.

Note how your hand seems to faze through easily, just a small dent forming in the bubble's surface before adjusting to perfect roundness again.

Now, take deep breaths, and when you are ready, slowly enter the bubble until you feel that your subconsciousness has finally transferred over to DR self, and open your eyes, looking outside of the bubble to see your OR self just standing there, smiling warmly at you.

Wave, and whisper.

"I'll be back."

The bubble(s) giggle(s) again, giving you an impression as if they were asking you something along the lines of:

"Are you ready? Don't worry! You'll be able to come back here whenever you want to - you have your safe word, remember?"

They giggle again and you feel and see the bubble beginning to rise, floating higher and higher into the sky until you couldn't make out your OR self anymore.

The bubble floats into the galaxy and to your DR, while on the journey you look into the bubble's reflections, which seem to be memories and scenarios of your DR.

When you are done and arriving in your DR, the bubble keeps floating closer and closer to the spot you'll be at when you shift, before popping with a giggle and a "have fun!"

When you're done visualising, go to sleep or wait until your eyes open and you should wake up in your DR!

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