Chapter Seventy-Nine

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We set up an appointment for that coming Wednesday with a Mrs. Rebekka VonHeeler.
There was a photo next to her name on the website.

Black hair and coffee bean colored skin from many days outside in the sun. Her lips were thin with a lipstick centered between a purple and red shade - one that suited her very well. She was tall and wore heels, which Clara remarked how inspiring that was for an already tall girl.

Clara and I followed her into a room. It was a therapy group. Men and women that had gone through sexual abuse like we had.

In a way, I found it comforting that I shared this experience with them. They knew some of my pain. But, I was nervous to reveal my secrets to people I've never met before, especially with men in the room.

Clara stopped in the doorway when she saw two men sitting in the chairs. One was plump while the other was lean and muscled - he clearly went to the gym. He scared the two of us more than the other.

Rebekka led us in with a gentle hand, one holding ours in a motherly way. It reminded me of Ethel.

She sat us next to each other, near her, noticing our discomfort. There were two other women in the room.

They were both young. One was pregnant, very full, and looked as if she would pop soon. The other looked tired as if she already had a handful of kids to take care of at home.

"Everyone, this is Clara and Violet. They will be joining our group from now on," Rebekka said with a smile, motioning to the two of us with a hand.

She had a gentle voice, one that was soothing and trusting. "Let's make them feel at home, okay?"

She turned towards the two men at her other side, "let's go around and introduce ourselves," she nodded to the gym guy beside her.

"Christopher," the gym guy said casually, "Not Robin, by the way," he added with a smile.

Rebekka smiled at him as if it wasn't the first time she'd heard that.

"Seth Wheeler," his voice sounding croaky like a frog. The pregnant woman's name was Allie, and she was apparently married to the plump man. The other woman was Elisha.

Rebekka gave a pleased smile and then crossed her hands at the wrist to drape over her legs. "Well, let's start, shall we?"

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