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The person was none other than Kim Jungkook. Yes he slapped his father. Mr.Jeon looked at him but Jk slapped him again this time hardly making Mr.Jeon stumble a little.
Mrs.Jeon: Jungkook how dare you slap your father?(shouts angrily).
Jk: Lower your voice lady(deep cold voice)
Everyone flinched little hearing his voice but Tae felt shiver hearing his husband's voice.
Jk:Yes I dare to slap my father bzc he deserves it. What do you guys think of me toy to play as you wish huh(angrily) SAY?
Mr.Jeon:Lower your voice Jungkook or I'll forget your my son.
Jk(chuckle bitterly):When you saw me as your son. I'm just a toy for you. You wanted me to study hard so you beat me to work hard to get good grades but Mr.Jeon there are no higher grades than topping the class. You beat me to be disciplined but Mr.Jeon there is no higher discipline then being well mannered, respecting everyone & obeying your elders. You made me strave so I look beautiful & made me workout in gym for hours but Mr.Jeon I can't be more beautiful & well built then I was already. You let people touch me infront of your fucking eyes, you let them rape me, use me like tissue paper & throw away. You made me feel insecure, disgusting
Tae:Baby (cracked voice)
Jk:Let me hubby if I don't speak today I won't able to do it ever again.
Jk looked at his husband with teary eyes who also had tear in his eyes but Tae nodded.
Jk:Mr.Jeon you made me feel insecure about myself,my appearance, my beauty,you made feel disgusting about myself. You made me your source of income sell me for deals, peoples pleasure, peoples needs & god knows what. Why just why?(hold Mr.Jeon's collar) I still tried to be good obedient son but you never loved me why am I that bad dad or was I your mistake? You Mrs.Jeon you aren't less a mother protects they children even if she has to die but you, you yourself throwed me like a I was some trash in front of hungry monsters. I cried, begged to you eomma help me, eomma stop them but you didn't do anything you let that monster ruined your son & his life eomma. You made world's most purest word "Mother" a bad word. Eomma you made it bad word you both aren't my parents you aren't my parents.
Jk went to his husband pointing at Jeon couple
Jk:Hubby they aren't my parents (went to Jin) they aren't my parents papa.
Jin put his hand down Jk went to ggukie & Jimin and pointed at Jeon couple.
Jimin pull his hand down Jk stood in front of his parents who still glaring at him.
Jk:And Mr.Jeon your all this success, money, fame is all bzc of me just bzc of me remember that.
Mr.Jeon: It's not bzc of you I've have worked hard for it.
Jk started laughing making everyone confuse.
Jk: Don't joke Mr.Jeon do you even know "P" of presentation, do you know how to draw a sketch or do you know how to drape a fabric around mannequin no you don't. Your employee works their asses out for you to get the deal & if you don't get it then your last option is me not last anyways I'm one & only option to get the deals & what you think I don't know why you put big frame with my photo in your cabin to attract your business partners. Some nice people must be mistaking it thinking how much you love your son but what they don't know is I'm your bet, show piece,toy to gain money, fame & your top 2nd businessman is all fucking bzc of me JUST BZC OF ME. You can me useless worthless & pathetic boy right yes I'm bzc you're like that after all like father like son isn't it dad. And listen to me clearly Mr&Mrs.Jeon ME AS IN KIM JUNGKOOK WILL NEVER LEAVE HIS HUSBAND NEVER. I'll never leave a person who gave me love,care, affection,shoulder to cry, arms to forget the world, reason to live & most important a family to live with. I'll die but won't live my husband love of my life.
Jk fall on his knees crying everyone had tears in their eyes except Jeon couple. Tae hugged his husband who snuggled into his husbands chest crying his heart out.
Tae:Baby please don't cry or you'll fall sick bun(cracked voice).
Jk:Let me please I promise it's last time I'm crying bzc of them(crying).
Tae:& I also promise you this is last time you are seeing them (deep voice) don't worry I won't kill them that would be nothing compared to what they did to you but I'll make sure they beg for death.
Jk nodded still crying & eventually he fall a sleep. Tae picked his husband making him lay him on couch. Again a slapped echoed in Tae's cabin everyone looked at Mr.Jeon who was glaring at Ggukie yes ggukie slapped him.
V:Baby (worried)
Gguk:V let me please this his was to cause the accident of my Kookie hyungie which lead my brother to lose his memory.
Namjin & Yoonmin shockingly looked at Ggukie & then Tae V who nodded. Mr&Mrs.Jeon also looked at him shockingly.
Gguk: I'm not yet done JEON (slapped again) this to separate me from him (slap) this to sell me (slap) this for hurting him (slap) this for torturing him (slap) for making him your toy (slap) for letting those monster rape him (slap) to make his life miserable (slap) to make him feel insecure, disgusting & bad about himself.
And Ggukie slapped him again one last time but was so hard that Mr.Jeon fall down.
Gguk:This to make his life hell, make him cry, making him have panick attacks. GET LOST BEFORE I KILL YOU (angrily)
V hug him tightly caressing his back who started crying.
Gguk:I hate them
V:Shhs sweetheart calm down hmm I'm here.
But gguk was still crying he also slept being tried of crying.
V:Guys I'm taking him home.
They nodded & V picked ggukie & left not before glaring at Jeon couple. Mr.Jeon stood up looking at Jk who was sleeping peacefully forgetting the world.
Jin:Will you leave by yourself or want me to call security? (deep voice).
Jeon couple glare at Jin who just roll his eyes.
NJ: Eyes down Jeon or I won't hesitate to pluck them out(deep scary voice).
Mr.Jeon:For now I'm leaving but don't think it's over I'll end all of you (angrily).
Tae(chuckle darkly):Jeon if it was that easy to destroy Kims then all the world wouldn't be under us my dear father-in-law (wink). You can't even touch our shadow. And one more thing the day you gave your son's hand in mine was day he became mine & I never let people snatch what's mine mark my words. I can burn myself for him but at same time I can the world to be with him. Don't take Kim Taehyung as joke or your life will be joke mind my words. That boy sleeping peacefully is mine ONLY MINE ONLY KIM TAEHYUNG'S(possessively) that even god can't separate him from me fuck off now.
Jeon couple left & other's sigh heavily. Tae took his husband & left for their home slept cuddling with him. Next morning Tae was first one to wake up. He open his eyes looking at his husband who was peacefully sleeping making Tae smile. He kissed Jk's forehead but got worried & again touched his forehead but pull his hand immediately. Jk was burning in fever. Tae immediately got up tuck Jk properly & took his phone calling his papa to urgently to come his house. Jin came checked Jk gave him injection.
Tae:Papa (worried)
Jin: Bear relax he'll be fine soon I gave him injection.
Tae:But papa his body is burning like hell.
Jin:Baby he'll be fine hmm relax take care of him hmm.
Tae:Okay papa thank you so much for coming.
Jin:Yeah idiot I'm your papa but Tae I think he need to see psychiatrist try to talk to him once.
Tae:Okay I'll.
Jin: I'll go take care. Bye
Jin left. Tae sat caressing Jk's hairs & later he also fall sleep. After 2 hours Tae woke up freshen up made soup for Jk & came to their bedroom. He sat on bed caressing Jk's hairs.
Tae:Baby wake up have some soup.
Jk:Bear let me sleep pls (weak voice)
Tae:I know baby but please little hmm for me.
Jk open his eyes Tae helped him to sit started feeding him. After that Tae gave Jk medicine who took it & again slept. Tae started his some office work time to time checking his husband. It was evening time. Tae went to kitchen. He was preparing dinner when Sana came there.
Sana:Hey Tae
Tae ignore her but Sana hold his hand making Tae glare at her. Tae pull his hand back.
Tae:When will you stop bothering me Sana? Can't you get simple thing I don't love you anymore & I'm letting you live here bzc of my husband bzc he don't want you to suffer despite whatever you did to him. But I'm not that kind hearted person like Kookie so better stay away from me I'm warning you.
Sana:Tae what he has I don't have? I know I did mistakes but I realised it now can't you forgive me & get back like before?
Tae started making dinner.
Tae:No I'll never want to come back to you, it's good you realise your mistakes, we can never be like before in this life time bzc firstly I don't love you secondly I'm married & lastly & most important I love my husband more than my life. He has become my everything my reason to live & also my reason to die for if he wants.
She stop when Jk came & back his husband who smile.
Tae:Why did you get down from bed bun? You're sick go back to bed.
Jk pouted & nodded as "No" against Tae's back who turn around looked at his husband checking his forehead & Jk's fever had subsidised little. Tae pick him placing on kitchen counter & then stand between Jk's legs.
Tae:Why?(caressing Jk's cheek)
Jk:I couldn't see you so I got sacred.
Tae:Bun I'm here in the our house only hmm.
Tae lean in to kiss Jk who place his hand between their lips making Tae confuse.
Tae:What? Let me kiss you.
Jk:No I'm having fever you'll also fall sick bzc of me.
Tae:Like I care
Tae smash his lip on Jk's kissing him who kissed back shaking his head. After a long kiss they pull back panting heavily.
Jk:You never listen to me (pout).
Tae: Sorry love but they were looking delicious & I can't control myself whenever I see them.
Jk:Is dinner done you rest I'll do rest.
Tae(deep voice):Sit there quite I'll do it myself.
Jk: Hump (pout)
Tae remove the pout with his leaving Jk dumbfounded Tae continue his work like he didn't do anything. Jk looked at Sana who was at him intensely made Jk confuse.
Jk:I know I'm beautiful but why the hell you staring at me kill you'll kill me?
Sana:What you have that I don't?
Jk:What? (confuse)
Sana:What you have that I don't that Tae become your so easy.
Tae complete making dinner he placed it on table & came back to kitchen to pick his husband who gasp & look at Tae with wide eyes.
Jk:What are you doing?(shocked)
Tae:Carry my baby to dinning table (smile)
Jk:I can walk Tae
Tae:Are you uncomfortable?
Tae was about to put Jk down but Jk snuggled into Tae's neck making Tae smile.
Jk: It's just I'm shy.
Tae sat with Jk on his lap & started feeding him. Sana also join them.
Tae:Look at me (deep voice)
Jk looked at him with innocent bambi eyes.
Tae:Never lower your head in front of me again.
Jk: But (cut off)
Tae:Bun just bzc I'm your husband doesn't mean you're lower than me you're as equal as me so just don't think low about yourself. You need to build confidence my love, you need to love yourself you know why?
Tae:Bzc if you won't love yourself than you'll think no one loves you, you'll be insecure about yourself,think you're not enough for anyone or you can't be loved no all this is bullshit.
Jk:Hubby I want something?(nervously)
Tae: Anything you want love just order me.
Jk:I want to visit psychiatrist.
Tae:You want to really?(Jk nodded) eomma was also saying this.
Jk:So will you take me
Tae:Of course love get better than we'll go.
Jk:Tae I know I can't forget the past but I just want to over come it. My past will always stay with me as lesson to make me feel I'm strong enough hope you don't mind.
Tae:Never love even I've past & it's still with me(looked at Sana) but you're right it's with me as a lesson,as a punishment I got from it, the regret it made me feel & many things so it's completely fine hmm eat now.
Jk nodded & Tae feed him later after completing his work he went back to room to his husband was waiting for him. Tae gave him medicine & both slept peacefully in each other's embrace.After 2 days they were in front of psychiatrist.
Max:I myself Max
Tae: I'm Kim Taehyung & he is my husband Kim Jungkook & we're here for him.
Max:Hi Jungkook
Max forwarded his hand making Jk sacred he hold Tae tightly.
Tae:Shhs baby he just want to shake hands with you hmm
Max: It's okay Jungkook relax hmm you want to go to garden
Jk's eyes sparkle & he nodded but he looked at Tae who nodded smiling. They walk out to garden Jk left Tae's hand & ran towards the garden making Tae happy.
Max: is he scared of strangers?
Tae: Yes he is
Max:And why?
Tae told Max everything Jk came & hug Tae who looked at him.
Jk: Hubby (excited)
Tae:Yes baby
Jk:This place so beautiful
Max:You like it (Jk nodded) Jungkook can we be friends only if you want?
Jk looked at Tae who nodded then Jk also nodded.
Max: Go enjoy this garden is yours only.
Jk happy ran away making Tae chuckle.
Max:He like nature so if you don't mind let him stay.
Tae:Here are you sure? I mean he have panick attacks & scared of strangers (worried)
Max:I know Mr.Kim you're worried for him but trust me once he go from here he'll be stronger,better & confident.
Tae:I need to talk to him (Max nodded)
Tae walked to Jk who was trying to catch a butterfly but as he was about to catch it butterfly flew away making Jk pout & Tae chuckle Jk looked at Tae more like glare but it turn out to be cute.
Jk:Are you laughing at me?(fake angry)
Tae pull him in his arms Jk pouted.
Jk hummed snuggling into Tae's chest
Tae:You need to stay here.
Jk immediately looked at Tae who was looking at him calmly.
Jk:Here?(Tae nodded) Without you?(Tae nodded) You want me to stay here (Tae nodded) Are you tired of me?(sadly)
Tae:No my love I'm not & surely never be tired of you it's for your own good na see if you stay here you'll get well soon & sooner you'll be healthy sooner you'll give punishment to all your criminals & sooner you'll be at peace what say I promise I'll came to meet you every week end.
Jk:No you'll not come
Tae:Huh why? (confuse)
Jk:Bzc I want to help myself now once I'll be perfectly fine I'll came to you & then never go far from you.
Tae:You sure you don't want to meet anyone?
Jk: I'm please (puppy eyes)
Tae:Who is teaching you all this tricks? (suspiciously)
Jk:Jimin hyung so
Tae:Okay as you wish but you'll call me once in a while hmm (Jk nodded)
Tae hug him tightly who snuggled into his chest. They hugged each other tightly so they can have the warmth untill they meet next time.

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