Chapter 1: A Happy Family

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December 12 ,2019 , 9:30 pm

I was running as fast as I could, forcing my way between the crowd .
Winds were blowing harshly against my body as if trying to stop me, but that's not gonna happen.
I can't give up , at least not now , after coming so far .
Just as I was about to reach the other end of the crossroad suddenly a bright light flashed at the corner of my eye and everything went black.....

January 25 , 2023 ,7:00

I woke up groggily, squinting my eyes trying to adjust with light that was coming from my half drawn curtains.

I'm a morning person but yesterday's party really left me drained.

A few weeks back I received an email congratulating me on getting accepted into Emerald High , my dream University and one of the top law colleges in the world. My family threw a party to celebrate my admission .

I get up from my bed and stretch my arms and sleepily make my way towards bathroom and get ready for the day .

I got ready for my first day at University . Before leaving my room I take a final look at myself.

I'm wearing a white tank top with a denim jacket and jeans bell bottoms with sports shoes. My hair  is done in a high pony .

If I can use one word to describe myself it will be average.
Yes, I literally mean it ,I belong to a middle class family, my dad's a vet, mother's a housewife, my brother is currently working as an ios developer at Google .
I wasn't born with a  golden spoon nor was I a genius . Whatever I did, I earned ,was from my hard work just like everyone else in my family. 

And talking about looks, I was average here too . I have long black brown hair that reaches to my waist, that's one of the things I'm proud of , I'm  5'7' with a tan skin tone and an unknown shade of brown eyes .

My attention is suddenly caught by my mother who is asking me to come down for breakfast.

I hurry down the stairs towards the kitchen, there I see my mother making vegetable sandwiches , as I grab one my mouth bursts with a combination of divine flavours , God ! I can sell my soul to eat my mother's cooking forever.

My mother is 5'6' with pale skin and  reddish brown hairs and unique shade of brown in her  eyes ,people say I have my eyes from her rest of my face matches with my dad who is 6 feet tall and has tan skin with a clean beard and moustache, he has green eyes with black hairs.

Their ages got the best of them , they have wrinkles and dark circles showing years of hard work and few  strands of white hairs which signifies their experience.

"Carl! Don't eat food while standing , go sit on the table with your father and brother, I'll bring your plate," my mother scolded me , as she took my plate from my hands

Oh! I forgot to introduce the last member of my family, my annoying dear big brother. He is 5 years older than me and looks like the male version of myself except for the eyes ,it's like dad's.

He may annoy me, but to tell the truth he's one of the best things that has happened to  me. He's been like an invisible pillar that has always secretly supported me from behind and has got my back . I wonder if he feels the same.

The breakfast table was lively we all had breakfast together and then my brother dropped me off at the collage .

My Red ThreadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora