Chapter 2 : The First Meeting

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Carol's pov :

My brother drops me off at the front gate of University.

I stare for a while, it still feels like a dream. I can't believe I'm here. After all the hard work and efforts I finally completed my dream .

I made my way to the auditorium where all the first year students were supposed to gather for the orientation .

I've been doing some research about the campus for a while ,so finding directions was easy.
I was gazing towards the paintings ,hanging on the wall when suddenly bumped into something solid and swayed a bit on feet trying to catch my balance

"Watch where you're going" someone in deep voice says annoyed.

When I looked up to see who it was , I was mesmerised by what I saw . He was a guy probably around 6 '2' , he had short messy raven hairs with blue eyes and fair skin .
He was wearing a Calvin Klein t-shirt and jacket whose sleeves were rolled up till elbow. His clothes couldn't conceal his greek build body and a phoenix tattoo on his forearm which made him even hotter .

He was adjusting his clothes, though his attitude screamed jerk but everything else about him was a chef's kiss . I quickly composed myself. It's a good thing he didn't see my drooling face .

When he looked up , his expressions suddenly changed as if he was going through a series of emotions but the most prominently visible was hate.
His blue orbs looked so deep, it seemed to contain thousands of unpredictable emotions,in which if I stared I could drown.
He kept staring at me as if expecting something from me but In a fraction of seconds his face turned emotionless and he walked away bumping my shoulder.

'What a creep , I hope others here are better than him' I thought as I started heading towards the auditorium.

After walking for what felt like miles I reached the auditorium, l took a corner seat in the middle row. The auditorium was quite empty at the moment, so I took out my phone and started playing games.

After a while I heard some shuffling which caught my attention. I looked up and saw a girl sit on the chair beside me. She caught me glancing towards her and offered me a warm smile which in turn I returned .

I noticed that more and more people were entering and the whole atmosphere became much more lively .

"Hi I'm Anne" the girl next to me spoke as she offered her hand
"Nice to meet you I'm Caroline" I spoke while shaking hands with her
"I'm an arts student ,in which subject are you majoring in ?" she asked
"Guess what then, we'll be studying together" I winked

We sat there talking for a while. We were so lost that we didn't realise that the orientation had already begun. We only noticed when the principal cleared his throat.

"I'm delighted to see you here so early in the morning. A special welcome to those of you who are on campus for the first time-"

My attention was caught by one of the guys sitting in the audience a few rows ahead .

It was the same guy I met earlier in the corridor. As I recall the whole incident I wondered 'why was he so rude? What was the flicker of emotions in his eye? And why the hell did he look so familiar?'

As I was diving deep in my thoughts, Anne nudged my shoulders, teleporting me back to reality .

"Hey, are you okay? I've been calling your name for a while now, the speech is already over" she said worryingly

I shake it off saying it's nothing and give her a reassuring smile, studying her expression,she looked convinced enough.

The program had already ended so we started making our way out of the corridor, our schedules were sent on mail and surprisingly anne and I had most of the classes together.


Guys I hope you're enjoying it so far , please do let me know about your views in comments

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