He Finds Out You Dated One Of The Pack Members Before Him

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You Dated Vikk before. You guys broke up after 10 months because you guys weren't feeling sparks anymore so you guys decided to stay friends since you were dating one of his best friends. You were in Ireland with The Pack since all of them wanted you to come. You didn't want to come but it was 6 v 1, so you know who won. You guys were bored so you decided to force the guys into doing a Q&A for your channel. "Hey guys it (insert YouTube channel name) aka Y/n and I here with the most amazing people on the planet and Rob" you said doing your introduction "Oi! Oi! Oi! Shots fired" Vikk said doing a gun gesture with his hands "JK! Anyways we're doing a Q&A for you guys and we asked you guys on twitter to send us some questions using the hashtag #Y/NandThePack and it trended Around The World so thank you for that!" You said "Okay first question is for Y/N and Vikk from @AlliMinecraft and she asks 'Why does Y/N know Vikk more than The Pack and Why does Vikk know Y/N better than Jerome??" Mitch says picking the question then when you both heard the question, you looked at each other simultaneously because The Pack doesn't know you guys were a thing they only knew that Vikk had a girlfriend for 10 months "We Dated" you guys both mumbled "what was that??" They asked "we dated" you spoke up and they gasped "you are the girl that was in a relationship with Vikk for 10 frickin months??" Lachlan asked shocked I nodded "and why didn't you guys tell us??" Rob asked "we didn't think it was important to tell you guys" you and vikk said at the same time "Well at least I have Y/N" Jerome says pecking your lips

You dated Rob before Mitchell 🐵. You were visiting Jerome, Ryan (xRpmx13x), and your boyfriend Mitch in Florida since your house in California was getting renovated. You were browsing on Tumblr while Mitch was on your phone doing whatever the hell he is doing "y/n!!" You heard Mitch yell from the living room "what?!?" You yelled back annoyed "C'mere" he yelled and you sighed closing your computer mentally praying he didn't break your phone... Again.. Then you exited the Kitchen entering the Living Room to see Mitch sprawled out on the couch looking at your phone with wide eyes "What's da matter?" You asked him "why do you have pictures of you and rob kissing??" He asked "Cause I dated him before you" you said not having a care in the world "what?!?" He yelled standing up "Calm Down now who is my boyfriend now" You asked coming closer to him "me" he mumbled "and who did I choose?" You asked "me again" he mumbled again then you poked your finger against his chest then you kissed him passionately he was startled but kissed back seconds later

You dated Little Lachy before Rob-a-dob-flob. Rob knew you and Lachlan dated but what he didn't not is your were the girl Lachlan dated for 3 years. You were on YouTube uploading one of your daily vlogs and it was taking so long so you decided to go to the kitchen to get a snack preferably chips "Y/N!" You heard Rob call "Coming" you replied going to your recording room you and Rob share together when you reached there you saw Rob watching a video "What'ya watching??" You asked him "A video that Lachlan made 2 yrs ago" he replied "what about?" I asked "His girlfriend" he responded then you became nervous on the inside because 2 years ago you and Lachlan we together but you broke up because you moved to Canada and couldn't handle long distance relationships then you met Rob-a-dob-flob "what about it?" You asked "Oh ya know his ex-girlfriend" he said like it was the easiest think in the world then he got out of his chair so I can sit and see what the 'chick' (aka maybe me) looked like then I saw it was me I sighed "So what I dated Lachlan" I said "why didn't you tell me?" He asked me "because I didn't think there was a reason to tell you" I said "ok! I realize there is no reason to be jealous because it is the past" Rob said "Wow you picked up that better than Lachlan" I joked "Shut up" he said kissing me passionately

You dated Mitch before Vikky. You were doing a live stream with The Pack at your house and it was a Q&A there were questions like 'Do the chicken dance' or 'dump ice cold water on yourself' then I saw 'Y/N and Mitch sing a song' then I gestured Mitch to the question he nodded "Okay guys Y/N and I will be singing a song called 'Lucky'" Mitch said choosing the song You smiled because you guys wrote that when you were together

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