Chapter 29

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- Third POV -

The day crawls by. Minutes inching as to feel like hours, hours charade as days. Midoriya spends his every free moment bouncing his leg or fidgeting with whatever is in front of him to soothe his nerves. Ignoring the task ahead of him has become impossible. He sits by the others, eyes staring blanky into the distance. 

"I can't remember if Hanta was this bad." Kaminari sighs as he waves a hand in front of Midoriya's face to no avail.

"I wasn't." Hanta says lowly, his eyes lingering on his Angels' blank stare.

"Cut him a break. Hanta knew us for months before we took him in, Izu's still the baby of the group. He only moved here a couple weeks ago, remember?" Uraraka waves her hand as if brushing off the boys' worry, though it's unconvincing as she too looks pale.

"Can you stop talking about me like I'm not here?" Midoriya says plainly, eyes still blank.

The group jumps a little, even Bakugou. 

"Are you here?" Kirishima looks at Midoriya. "It looks like your a thousand miles away." 

The green haired boy blinks, bringing himself fully into the moment. He turns to Kirishima with a bored look. 

"Where else would I be?" He sighs. 

That's the only interaction the group rustles out of Midoriya at lunch. During class Uraraka tries to throw her pencil to Midoriya but it flies right past him and out of the window. That was her favourite pencil, she pouts the rest of the class. 

"Izuku?" Uraraka stands over Midoriya as he stares out of the window. "Izuku!" 

"Deku!" Bakugou slams his hand down on Midoriya's desk making him jump and finally look to the other two. 

"Huh?" He blinks.

"Damn Izu, that must have been one intense daydream." Uraraka smiles. 

"Oh, yeah." He looks around, the class is empty. "Oh." 

"Yeah 'oh'. Damn idiot." Bakugou scoffs grabbing Midoriya's bag. "Come on, I want to get home already." 

"You okay Izu?" Uraraka waits for him to get out from behind his desk as Bakugou storms out of the room. 

"Yeah, just distracted." He walks out after Bakugou.

As the three approach the others in the car park there's an odd exchange of glances. Bakugou throws his and Midoriya's bags into his car and turns to the group. 

"Wait." Uraraka says quickly.

"What are you doing?" Kaminari gives her a glare. 

"We need to do this now." She snips back at him.

"In the school car park?" He motions.

"I want to get it out of the way." She whines. 

"Spit it out already Bubbles." Bakugou groans. "I want to get home before dark." 

"Are you two dating or something?" Hanta winks. 

"Wait I thought we weren't supposed to date in the band?" Kirishima perks up, his eyes darting to Bakugou.

"We're NOT dating!" Uraraka groans, pinching the bridge of her nose. "Just listen, please. Kaminari and I saw something at Bad Habit." 

This peaks everyone's interest. Especially when Midoriya's head whips up and for the first time all day he seems to be paying attention. 

"What did you see?" Midoriya asks nervously, his voice shaking slightly. 

"I fucking knew something happened." Bakugou grumbles. 

"Yeah you're a fucking genius, will you shut up now?" Kirishima spits. "Guys I think whatever Midoriya is keeping from us, he's not telling for a reason. Whatever you saw, you should just drop it." 

Midoriya looks at Kirishima with a relieved smile, mouthing the words 'thank you'. Kirishima nods back. Hanta is the only one to pick up on the exchange, eyes swimming with jealousy. 

"Screw that. If Hijiri did something I need to know." Bakugou yells.

"This has nothing to do with Hijiri." Kaminari speaks up. "Not really anyway. Remember between sets when I went backstage for a drink? Well I saw some guy through a crack in the door. Hijiri was in the way so I couldn't see much but he was talking to Izuku." 

"And I saw Toga." Uraraka says like the words themselves are poison and if she were to liger on them for too long she might get hurt. 

Midoriya looks at her as if hoping she'll laugh or play it off as a joke. No such luck. His heart begins to race. That was the one thing he'd hoped wouldn't happen. He knew she'd eventually find him, since Shigaraki had, but he thought he'd have more time. Time to do what? Deal with Shigaraki first? Distance himself from everyone so she'd only have him to hurt? 

"Himiko." He says lowly. "Fuck. Did she see you?" He asks with a desperate tint of hope in his voice. 

"No. It was as we were leaving in the car. I saw her meeting up with Jin." She explains. 

"Jin?" Midoriya's face contorts. "Jin invited her over? Even though he was there..." 

"He? Who's he?" Hanta places a hand on Midoriya's shoulder. "What's going on Angel?" 

"I don't even know." Midoriya backs away, his mind going in senseless circles. 

"Just tell us what's going on Izu, we can help." Uraraka steps towards him.

"ENOUGH!" Bakugou yells. "Can't you see you guys are making it worse?!" He points to Midoriya who looks like he's about to collapse or throw up, maybe both. "Come on Deku." He grabs Midoriya, shoving him into the front seat of his car before climbing in himself and peeling out of the car park. 

"Is he just gonna leave us here?" Kaminari looks around. 

"That idiot." Hanta growls as he watches the car drive away.

"I've never seen Bakugou act like that before." Kirishima says softly, a sad look in his eye.

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