Chapter 32: Maddison

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My grandpa and my dad are sitting down on the glass table in the living room. They drink coffee and converse back and forth with each other, talking about a variety of topics. They occasionally laugh and, when this happens, grandpa aggressively slaps the table because he finds whatever they're talking about so so funny.

James and Charlie are also in the living room, we all are. They are playing the classic game of tag. Charlie giggles and runs as James chases him.

I am sitting down on the sofa, just doing whatever on my phone, along with my mom and my grandma. If you were to enter my living room, you would see me sitting down at what you would perceive as the left side of the sofa, whilst my mom and grandma are sitting down on what you would perceive as the right side of the sofa. We are sitting far apart.

"How's everything in, you know, Germany?" My mom questioned.

Grandma brushes her grey hair away from her face, and then she gives a rant to my mom about her opinions on the current leader of Germany.

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